
Group run

Paving the way at MVUF

8 GoodGymers made their way 2.8km to help the Meanwood Valley Urban Farm in Leeds.

  • Rob Riley
  • Katie Presley
  • Ellie Smyth
  • Katie Lees
  • Helen Noyes
  • Suzie Robinson
  • Shannen Bagaria
  • Mary Orobosa-Ogbeide
Wednesday, 6th of April 2022
Led by Rob Riley

Warm up

Today we started with a short warmup - jogging in a circle around the benches at the front of HPBC. After a few laps, a few different exercises and a change of direction, we attracted the attention of the staff at Hyde Park Book Club. At first we thought they were coming to join in... but in actual fact they had come to tell us off... as we were allegedly blocking the fire exit. Lesson learned - we will be more careful next time!

The Team

Today we had 8 runners join us on this typical spring evening. We welcomed Ellie on her first group run - who discovered us through a friend and Goodgym member in London. Congratulations to Mary who has now completed her 3rd task and welcome back Suzie after a break due to COVID.

*The Run - Outbound *

We set off on a 3km route to Meanwood Valley Urban Farm - returning there for the first time in 2 years. Rob led the way and Helen back marked.

The Tasks

Task 1: Creating a jenga pile of compost

Our first task was to move some compost outside - and create a tower - which resembled a giant game of jenga. Making good use of a conveyor system, within 5 minutes we had moved the pile and also warmed up for some wheelbarrowing!

Task 2: Moving lots of gravel to create a path

Our next task was to shovel and move gravel to help make a new path. We all got stuck in and in a little over 30 mins we had moved a few tonnes - and it was ready for the paving slabs to be laid down. We couldn't believe how much we had done in such a short space of time - and Suzie exclaimed

I can't believe where the time has gone

Bonus 1: Blast of the past

It was great to admire the wall , which was constructed by Goodgym the last time we were here, and some of the contruction team were here today (Katie). We were pleased that even though it was slightly wonky - due to it being made in the dark - it did the job just fine!

Bonus 2

Of course , this task wouldn't have been complete without looking at the new born lambs, some that were only 24 hours old. It was a great way to end the task.

The Run - Homebound

We left MVUF with optimism, pride and lots of kale - thanks Ben! - and made our way back to HPBC. We conquered the steep incline on the more direct route back.

Well done everyone for all your hard work this evening. Next week we are heading back to Kirkstall Valley Farm for some more fun at a farm!

Report written by Rob Riley

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Rob Riley
Led by Rob Riley

GoodGym Norwich Run Leader

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Helen Noyes

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Leafletting whilst Running for OWLS

Wednesday 18:00 - 19:45
Led by Laura
Headingley Enterprise and Arts Centre ( HEART)

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