Sunday 26th March 2023
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Sevan
Kash and Sevan made a last minute decision to help out as marshals at Pitshanger Juniors this morning. They were surprised to find Raj there too as a timekeeper as he wasn't on the roster either last night. As marshals, Kash and Sevan's main job was to warn runners about the puddles around the course, which Sevan was doing for the second week in a row.
10 minutes before the start, there were lots of volunteers without any children to run the course. Like the weather, the children arrived in drips and drabs, having recovered from 1 less hour of sleep last night due to the time change and also seeing that the streets were soaking wet this morning.
In the end there were 31 runners and a special occasion for the volunteers, it was Laurence's 250th time volunteering at Pitshanger Juniors. The majority of those times, Laurence had been in the tail walker role as today. It wasn't only the other volunteers that knew this and gave him a cheer, the children and parents too waited for him at the funnel to congratulate him as he completed the course. What a great achievement!
Help run drop-in service on a Friday where homeless can get free clothes and wellbeing services