Saturday 18th September 2021
Report written by Trevor
Over 50 people came to the Cycling Festival in Rose Hill 2021
Over 30 people got their bike registered with Thames Valley Police (and many recieved a free D Lock!)
Loads of people got their bike fixed with help from Broken Spoke!
About 10 or more people came to the Rides lead by Cowley Condors, Joy Riders and Trev lead a social ride with help from Sarah and Ruth
Many kids played balance games with tennis balls, chalked hopscotch and golf balls thrown into a bike basket lead by Joy Riders. They also rode a course set out on the field and older kids helps make the course more difficult!
Some adults (Kathy and Phillipa from RHILC) tried the Bike course, and some adults (including Ruth, Ellie, Amy and Matty) also tried balancing the tennis ball to win a sticker! Matty failed to do it whilst eating a biscuit but did win a leopard sticked eventually! He also found a lucky rubber band on the ride which apparently you are meant to post into a post box to cheer up the postmen (they are always loosing them apparently!)!
Refreshments were expertly made by Eleanor and Chris From RHILC plus Emily and Trev making Hot chocolate for kids.
On our social ride we met a mule named Falco who is training for Walk for Earth, Ecocide!
Merlin a local artist came and did a quick painting of some of the action!
The sun shone and fair to say we all cycled home pretty happily exhausted Enjoy your bikes guys :) Trev
Sun 19th Sep 2021 at 7:38am
Well done - sounds great!
Mon 20th Sep 2021 at 8:07pm
This looks amazing!
Tue 28th Sep 2021 at 7:31pm
Thanks Ivo thanks Anwen! yes was a great event :)