Shopping trip for Mrs N. and family

1 Goodgymer helped an isolated person in Hackney
Jennifer McGill

Wednesday 8th April 2020

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Report written by Jennifer McGill

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I took a break from working from home in the afternoon to complete my first GoodGym Mission - some shopping for Mrs. N and her family who were self-isolating due as they have COVID-19 symptoms.

I called Mrs N. for her shopping list before heading out. I was advised by the GG Hackney group to ask lots of questions about the list including acceptable substitutes, but there was no need with Mrs. N who was very particular with her instructions. She even told me exactly where in the aisles in Lidl I could find her items!

When I arrived at Lidl there was a queue of around 30 people waiting to get in the store but thankfully it moved quickly and once in there I was able to locate Mrs. N's items quickly given her helpful instructions! They were out of stock in one fo her items and also didn't have the substitute we agreed to so I gave her a quick call to agree on another acceptable alternative.

I ran to Mrs N's house to deliver the items and had a quick chat (from a safe distance!) with her and her daughter. They were both lovely, really grateful for the assistance and couldn't believe I'd been running with their shopping!

I really enjoyed the mission and am looking forward to completing more in the near future.

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Becs Clarke

Fri 10th Apr 2020 at 11:15am

This sounds like a lovely mission :) Well done Jennifer!

Jennifer McGill

Thu 16th Apr 2020 at 10:09pm

Thanks Rebecca :)

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