So long, suckers!

8 Goodgymers helped their local community in Richmond
Louise Wynter
Adam Stephens
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Saturday 8th July 2023



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Report written by JP

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It was a very humid morning on the Ham Lands as 8 GoodGymers gathered for our monthly task with the Friends of Ham Lands.

This morning the job at hand was to clear an area of suckers - which is apparently the name given to small trees shooting up from the roots of a larger tree, which were threatening to take over an patch designated as grassland.

As these were attached to long roots coming from the bigger trees there was no joy to be had in trying to dig them out, so we were armed with secateurs and loppers and set to work cutting them down as close to the ground as possible.

It seemed like a light task to begin with but in the humidity it became tiring! But we made admirable progress very quickly and were soon filling up large sacks, which were then emptied in the woods.

It was clear that rain was brewing but it kindly held off through the task and we were happy to see the results of our efforts.

Next time at the Ham Lands is 12th August - sign up here:

This task supported
Friends of Ham Lands
A group of volunteers that work with local naturalists and the Council’s ecology officer.

They seek to preserve and enhance the natural habitats of Ham Lands

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Helping the Happy Ham Landers
🗓Tomorrow 10:00am

Improving the natural habitat of the Ham Lands nature reserve

Adam Stephens
6 GoodGymers are going