Wednesday 17th April 2019
Report written by Brahma Pochee
Glorious evening to lend a volunteering hand and go for a run with like-minded folk. Phil joined us for the first time, a GoodGym vet, making his first trip to the Olympic Park faction. Elise made a return after a few months of injuries, and Graham returned from sniffles, 'man sniffles' though, right? It was a quality over quantity edition this week.
Our random weekly question this week was, well, very random. "what animal do you find most majestic and what's your favourite easter egg?" Giraffes and cadbury cream eggs, antelopes and lindt, diplodocus and hot cross loaves, snow leopards, otters and red kites. Some beauties right there.
An uber straightforward task at the Docks, cleaning up windows, weeding under planters and sweeping up. Looked fab when done, before and after visuals accentuated by the light, Cody Dock looks amazing under daylight, I almost forgot.
Next week quality is good, but quantity is required too ie we need lots of us. Heading to Newham Hospital for our first of hopefully many trips. Putting a magic touch on their sensory gardens around the dementia ward. Should be a rewarding one. sign up here
Wishing you all an exquisite long break, plenty of time to get the miles in : )
Till next week
Well-organised storage to enable the distribution of much-needed clothing to families and individuals seeking asylum across East London.