Tuesday 30th June 2020
Report written by Jo Kitching
Kat and Jo met early once again at 0530 to head towards the beach for a walk whilst armed with litter pickers. We took bags and hoped that due to the cooler weather and less visitors to the beach that it may be pretty clean.
We didn’t have as much rubbish to collect as we had the previous week but we still found quite a bitter main culprits were;
Beer bottle tops especially from a certain American brand that rhymes with mud. Black straws that were located near to a takeout cafe/bar. We did find the usual items of clothing (socks) and also a pair of fetching pink sunglasses that were so small we had no idea what they would be used for.
Plastic bottle tops and bottles, small gas cannisters that seem to be discarded everywhere at the moment.
We were out for about an hour and managed to get back before the rain set in. A cleaner beach than last week but still a lot of smaller rubbish hiding in the shore.