Wednesday 4th July 2018
Report written by David Chatterjee
9 athletes ran 12.5km to Writtle Mencap Allotment
A pretty warm evening with the sun blazing - perfect for a long run to Writtle, well maybe not. 3 of us met at ARU and took a selfie to show our readiness to run! We met 6 others on the way there, feverishly chatting about how it is most definitely coming home.
After a run that made me feel Young again, we got to the allotment, making it without needing to be a Walker. I'm always a fan of a Trip-here. They had handily marked out the beds for digging with Kane's, (Mag)-wire and ribbons. The ground was dry and Vard-ly diggable from the sun and the Stones certainly didn't help. We watered it heavily until it let its Lin-guard down so that we could turn the turf. I was very glad for the water that had been left out. After a Sterling job by all turning the hard ground, ready to plant a Rose or two, we posed for a photo and I have chosen the ones that were the Pickford of the bunch.
Sorry for all the Dier puns, I really should have Dele-ted them...
We ran back, parting ways at various intervals, until the original 3 lions arrived back. A much sweatier selfie and we went home. Don't forget the beer festival next Thursday - see you all there from 6pm.
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