Friday 1st May 2020
Report written by Anita (she/her)
Three Pigeons Rescue, a workout with buckets.
The 🐦🐦🐦Three Pigeons plot had been looking very parched as a result of all the lockdown sunshine and this was the first of a series of weekly Missions that will be scheduled to stop the plot drying out and to keep the weeds at bay until normal Group Run sessions and Community Missions return.
Kate summed up the wonderful positive response we are getting from the local community for our efforts: ‘I've been past the plot a few times during my daily exercise & have seen people going over to have a look or taking pictures most times, which is great. Seems like the community is really appreciating the efforts & I think it's really worth while us trying to keep it watered. Brown dead plants won't cheer anyone up!’
Saturday 24 April, Anita. I went early to catch the high tide and do some watering. ‘Also did a bit of weeding, concentrating on rooting out the Shepherd’s purse. I had planned another watering trip for high tide 7.30am Wednesday but rain meant watering utterly unnecessary.
Sunday 25 April, Kate. I went this morning at high tide, 5.30am (!) It was worth it as I had the place to myself basically and only needed to go down one step for the water. I took a bucket & a watering can & did a fair few trips, I lost count! I pulled out an armful of tall weeds whilst I was in amongst the plants and did a quick litter pick. Oh & I know your sign was stolen so I took a bit of chalk with me.
Sunday 25 April, James. I did a fair bit of weeding, being there for about an hour.
Thursday 30 April, Teresa. I cycled over there this afternoon. I tried to do as much weeding as I could but to be honest, I was finding it a bit difficult to tell between plants and weeds so apologies if I've pulled anything up that I shouldn't. Also I didn't actually manage to get that much done before the rain absolutely hammered it down on me! I don't think I've ever been quite as drenched as I got. At least it's got a good old watering!
Salwa, Thursday 30 April. On this unsettled Thursday afternoon, I set off on my bike as soon as the torrential rains had paused, and got to Richmond just in time for yet another flurry of showers from the heavens! After delivering a food donation to the Vinyard, I headed to the Three Pigeons plot that didn't need any more watering, thanks to the buckets of water falling from the sky. I donned my gardening gloves, and pulled out some pesky weeds that were poking out from under and around the glorious blooms that have blossomed beautifully to create a sight to behold on the river bank. A few heaps of weeds later, I packed up and got back in the saddle for a sunny cycle back home.
Sam, Friday 1 May. It was looking in great nick so I only did a few small things. I picked up some spare leaves that had fallen onto the bed. Collected a few stones and left them near the silver bollard. We propped up a poppy plant (see pic) with twine and a stick that I found nearby. It's near the bollard.
Improving the natural habitat of the Ham Lands nature reserve