Saturday 22nd February 2020
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Melanie Young (she/her)
A team of hardy GoodGymmers took on the task of marshalling the Leigh Woods Back to Black night run, from helping the under 8s on the 1K through to the runners on the 10K route, lots of people had a great time and the rain held off so we’re unexpectedly dry at the end.
Will was given the most confusing marshalling role ever invented, Julie chopped and distributed loads of fruit at her aid station, Richard and Alison were up in the woods waiting for the 10Kers to arrive after about 8K, Melanie and Roz were trying to distinguish between 5Kers “turn left at the squidgy corner” and second lap 10Kers “straight up the hill” who’d already completed the 5K route. I still don’t know where Matthew was, but I’m sure he did a great job!
Lots of happy runners, a few confused ones who’d managed to cut corners and shorter the course, or miss corners and do extra course, but good fun all round, and funds raised for the GoodGym mental health fund.
A great way to spend a Saturday evening with friends.