Sunday 12th November 2023
Report written by Sevan
Seven GoodGymers helped Acton Juniors parkrun this morning, with a surprise non-GoodGym helper also participating. Joanna, who is a parkrun Run Director, a Visually Impaired running guide and all round motivating person had encouraged one of her regular group of VI runners to volunteer as a marshal!
Kash and Sevan had met Mark in the summer at Bushy Park parkrun (he's the one with the distinctive beard). He's run at adult parkruns with his VI Guide and this was Mark's first time volunteering. The more experienced GoodGymers talked him through the logistics of Junior parkrun and he was surprised to see that there's a warm up session for the children, which doesn't happen at the adult version.
Back with the GoodGym volunteers, Sevan and Alan were marshalling along with Mark, while Chikako was in her regular role as a VI Guide. Joanna had the hardest job, overseeing the running of the whole event as today's Run Director. Everyone else was working hard in the funnel area, with Florian managing 41 young runners through the funnel and barcode scanners Kash and Michelle ensuring that their times were correctly recorded.
Thanks to all involved. We'll be back again on the 10th of December, so keep an eye out for the Community Mission listing.
Help run drop-in service on a Friday where homeless can get free clothes and wellbeing services