Saturday 27th November 2021
Report written by Michal Czekajlo
A team of five Yorkies braved the elements to tackle overgrown roses in the St Clements Church garden. Mary and her friend from the church were waiting for us with selection of secateurs and hand saws for cutting of the ‘wild and dead parts’ of the plants. Recycling containers and bulk bags were provided to dispose of the cuttings to.
Freezing rain made our fingers numb and bodies shiver, but we don’t give up easily and after just over 40 minutes of cutting, sawing, snapping and pulling called it a victory over thorny plants. Mary promised biscuits and refreshments when we are next called for a garden battle, but for now we dispersed to find shelter and nourishment in the warmth of out homes (or went for the whippets play date).
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