Thursday 16th January 2020
Report written by York runner
16 goodgymer’s fought past the January blues and embarked on a mission to spread bark chips around a lovely pirate ship. But little did they know, it had become shipwrecked!
The goodgymers came to the rescue to overturn the bark chip in an attempt to drain out some of the water...
Lizzie thought we were all barking mad! “How many goodgymer’s does it take to realise the water doesn’t have anywhere to drain to?”
There was not a dry foot in the house and so we all soon accepted the pirate ship was well and truly forked! Especially Katie who had unleashed her inner kraken and forked the fork right up. Holy forking shirt balls.
One fork down, we all went to try our hands at another task that we lopping loved! Racing to grabs our favourite loppers, we got to work cutting down the dead plants whilst Ed sang Taylor Swift songs to us...
“Lop, lop, lop, lop it off”
Thu 16th Jan 2020 at 10:41pm
Holy forking shirt balls might be my favourite thing that has been written in a run report, ever.
Thu 16th Jan 2020 at 10:55pm
Holy forking shirt balls 😆