0 Month Streak
0 Month Streak
0 Month Streak
Block or report Charlotte Siddall
Thu 11th Mar 2021 at 11:00am
Newcastle Report written by Newcastle runner
Charlotte and I had a great squat and shoulder press session at the foodbank today! We spent two happy hours moving crates of tins and jars from the floor to the newly built shelves, then taking them back down and putting them back up again when we decided they could be in a better order! It was a real team effort getting the crates up to the top shelves, resulting in some scuffed knuckles! Having filled all the shelves in the first room we then moved onto a biceps workout and carried crates through to the other room where we stacked the shelves there, ready for packing into bags to be delivered. It was the perfect GoodGym session, getting a workout while helping out a fantastic charity! #GiveItPurpose
Thu 11th Mar 2021 at 11:00am
Thursday 4th March 2021
Charlotte Siddall completed 10 good deeds with GoodGym.
Charlotte has done 10 good deeds. They are a trusted GoodGym runner and are now eligible to join their local TaskForce.
Thu 4th Mar 2021 at 11:00am
Newcastle Report written by Aimee (she/her)
We were back at the East End Women’s foodbank for our regular Thursday community mission.
Charlotte and Kate were unpacking and sorting food which had been delivered into the appropriate crates when I arrived and were still going when I had to leave to get back to work. Welcome done Charlotte on reaching 10 good deeds today!
I got stuck into unpacking and organising the baby stuff sorting the baby food by age range and checking the use by dates so any coming up when out first. I then moved the baby wipes and organised the nappies by age to make it easier to find the correct sizes. Lastly, I also managed to sort the sanitary products into categories and label everything up so they could see what had been had been sorted.
We never stopped and the time flew by! Same time next week?
Thu 4th Mar 2021 at 11:00am
Thu 25th Feb 2021 at 11:00am
Newcastle Report written by Newcastle runner
It was an action packed day at the East End Women’s foodbank today! There were plenty of volunteers today to organise the bags of food for the delivery drivers, so GoodGymers Charlotte, Kate and I had the chance to do something a bit different. Charlotte and Kate got straight to work building flat pack shelving units and a table. They took turns wielding the large sledgehammer and there was a definite Chuckle Brothers thing going on - “to me, to you!”
At the other end of the room I focused on unpacking boxes and stacking the new shelves with baby wipes, baby food and nappies. The nappies were organised by size which appealed to my obsessional nature! *Other brands of nappies are available.
It was also satisfying to throw lots of cardboard into the recycling room and finish off with some shelf stacking. By time we finished, the room was looking great!
Will we be back next week? Maybe we won’t, baby we will! (We definitely will!)
Thursday 18th February 2021
Charlotte Siddall been cheered 10 times.
Goodgymers have noticed what Charlotte has done and have cheered them 10 times. We doff out caps to you Charlotte.
Thu 18th Feb 2021 at 11:00am
Newcastle Report written by Newcastle runner
It was a crate session at the East End Women’s foodbank task today. Charlotte, Kate and I joined forces with staff members Sarah and Fiona to make short work of the tasks. Fiona had been super organised and had all the bags already organised so we could quickly load them into the drivers’ cars as they arrived. Kate and Charlotte chipped away at a huge pile of cardboard packaging, clearing it into the recycling bins while I cr’ated more work for them by unpacking more boxes and organising food into crates - they were lined up like the crate wall of China! The card was carted away and the crates were neatly stacked. We finished off by re-stocking the shelves ready for more bags to be packed next week - emptying crates so we could unpack more boxes, refill the crates and create a new cardboard pile! I reckon we did a crate job! Will we be back next week? I have crate expectations!
Thu 18th Feb 2021 at 11:00am
Thu 11th Feb 2021 at 11:00am
Newcastle Report written by Aimee (she/her)
Four GoodGymers were back at our usual Thursday mission at the East End Women foodbank.
Food bank task regulars Kate and Charlotte started off restocking the main shelves with tins. Me and new GoodGymer Renee got stuck into unpacking a huge bag of pot noodles and sorting them by flavour into a huge tower of pot noddle filled creates, taking out any damaged ones some of which were leaking favouring powder everywhere. We also found one which felt like they have forgot to put the noodles in.
Once the shelves were bursting with tinned food Kate and Charlotte moved on to making up bags with toiletries in ready for when needed. Once they had filled a box of these me and Renee had finally finished unpacking the what felt like it never ending bag of pot noodles, we all went and unpacked boxes into create and sorted them into the correct stacks. We got through this in no time clearing the packs of tinned food from the middle of the floor.
With all tasks completed we headed off a bit early and I managed to get back to work in good time. Instead of eating a pot noddle I spent my lunch break unpacking hundreds of them.