George Fudge


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George Fudge
George Fudge signed up to a group run.

Tue 17th Mar 2020 at 6:45pm

George Fudge
George Fudge has done their first good deed with GoodGym. 😎

Wednesday 11th March 2020

GoodGym Runner

GoodGym Runner

George Fudge has done their first good deed with GoodGym.

George is a now a fully fledged GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the first time. They are out there making amazing things happen and getting fit at the same time.

George Fudge
George Fudge went on a group run

Tue 10th Mar 2020 at 6:45pm

Coat and run

Ealing Report written by Liv Parker-Scott

19 runners with 1 mission, to paint the corridors at Impact Theatre!

Shout outs!

  • We were joined by three new runners, big welcome to Dave, Sam and George.
  • We had a GG tourist in our midst, hello to JP from Richmond who joined Ealing on good deed number 94.
  • We cheered Jenni for her new parkrun PB on Saturday following her half marathon PB the weekend before, she's on fire! 🔥
  • And lastly we had a special mention for Milly who has written an awesome story on the website where she talks about what GoodGym means to her - Read it here!

We kicked things off with a brief warm up and because we're always talking about such good things I thought I'd find out some dirt on you all. Enter BADGYM. We did a roll call where everyone had to reveal their worst habit... leaving sweaty running clothes around the house, leaving the kitchen in a mess, always being late and even the odd cheeky cigarette were confused to. Good to know we aren't perfect all the time... well except a few who claimed they had no bad habits at all!

The show must go on

And after a 3km run (taking in a few inclines) what a show we put on at the theatre last night! Rollers rolling, brushes brushing and masking tape well... masking! We worked in teams of one tall person to two... 'less tall people' to reach all the heights on different sections of wall. We also had a excellent small team painting the skirting on another section too, it really was a hive of activity and it didn't take long for us to coat everything needed in a fresh lick of paint.

Peter, one of the senior tutors there also gave everyone a great overview of what happens in the theatre and spoke about all the upcoming events they have going on.

"IMPACT is a registered charity dedicated to promoting a positive image of disability, developing communication and building self-confidence, through participation in performing and creative arts."

With that we cleared up the brushes and rollers (big thanks to Lionel for staying to clean everything up) and headed back into the night for another undulating run back to base. Thanks to Chris for leading the front of the run and to Harvey for backmarking on the outbound trip and Alex on the way home.

Until next time!

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Harvey GallagherChrisJenni H
George Fudge
George Fudge signed up to a group run.

Tue 10th Mar 2020 at 6:45pm

Run to paint the corridors at Impact Theatre

Helping to spruce up this amazing facility

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