Joannah Middleton


Good Deeds

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Joannah Middleton's next session

Warwick & Leamington Spa

Supporting at Warwick Racecourse Parkrun
🗓Saturday 8:30am

📍Warwick Racecourse CV34 6HN

Let's give something back to the running community!

Joannah Middleton
One GoodGymer is going
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Joannah Middleton
Joannah Middleton completed 10 good deeds with GoodGym. 🥇

Friday 7th March

Easy 10

Easy 10

Joannah Middleton completed 10 good deeds with GoodGym.

Joannah has done 10 good deeds. They are a trusted GoodGym runner and are now eligible to join their local TaskForce.

Jack Da SilvaDave MMark Gilyead
Joannah Middleton
Joannah Middleton went on a community mission

Fri 7th Mar at 8:00am

Flyer like a bird....

Warwick & Leamington Spa Report written by Joannah Middleton

More posters... more noticeboards...more recognition for the amazing Guide Dogs.

I've just realised I've got 12 routes to do for these posters.... that's 12 missions.... 12 appalling run report titles about posters ..... and probably not much different content to document on each one!

Except that every mission gets me out on my bike and doing a good deed for the Guide Dogs, so that feels great!

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Jack Da SilvaDave MMark Gilyead
Joannah Middleton
Joannah Middleton signed up to a party.

Thu 27th Mar at 7:30pm

Pub drinks

Opportuntity to walk/run/cycle and to meet other GoodGymers!

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Joannah Middleton
Joannah Middleton went on a community mission

Thu 6th Mar at 11:30am

Flyer me to the moon...

Warwick & Leamington Spa Report written by Joannah Middleton

At last, the Guide Dog posters are getting an airing!

This task has been on the back-burner for a while, but today marked the beginning of spreading the word about the incredible work of Guide Dogs and raising awareness of their volunteering opportunities.

While visiting various organisations with public noticeboards to display the Guide Dog posters, I also took the opportunity to put up a few posters for GoodGym.

This led to some great conversations at the Cape Road Health surgery about lifestyle medicine. The lovely health practitioner, Jo, kindly offered to display the posters at several other locations as well.

The staff at the Sainsbury’s on Coten End were also very interested, so we're hopeful this will help boost our numbers. With more people joining, we’ll be able to do even more good in the community!

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Mark Gilyead
Joannah Middleton
Joannah Middleton signed up to a community mission.

Fri 7th Mar at 8:00am

Promotional literature distribution - Guide Dogs (Route 6)

GoodGymers help will enable us to raise awareness of this wonderful role and encourage more, much needed applications from people who would like to volunteer with Guide Dogs and our amazing guide dog mums.

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Joannah Middleton
Joannah Middleton signed up to a community mission.

Thu 6th Mar at 11:30am

Promotional literature distribution - Guide Dogs (Route 1)

GoodGymers help will enable us to raise awareness of this wonderful role and encourage more, much needed applications from people who would like to volunteer with Guide Dogs and our amazing guide dog mums.

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Joannah Middleton
Joannah Middleton went on a community mission

Sat 1st Mar at 10:30am

What a load of rubbish!

Warwick & Leamington Spa Report written by Joannah Middleton

Well, yes—it truly was a pile of old rubbish. While not as much as in previous litter pick sessions, Catherine and Joannah still collected quite a bit along the Grand Union Canal in Leamington Spa yesterday morning. Among the usual mix of empty cans, bottles, and dog-poo bags, they found an abandoned handbag and a lonely shoe (how does someone even lose a single shoe?!).

Afterwards, a well-earned coffee was enjoyed in the sunshine at Costa near Morrisons in Leamington, where Costa very kindly took care of disposing of the rubbish for us. Big thanks to them!

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Mark Gilyead
Joannah Middleton
Joannah Middleton went on a community mission

Sat 1st Mar at 8:30am

Cool runnings!

Warwick & Leamington Spa Report written by Joannah Middleton

Yesterday morning started with a chilly -3 degrees (brrr!) but quickly warmed up to reveal a gorgeous sunny day—perfect for marshaling at Warwick Racecourse’s Park Run. I’m always amazed by how many people rise early on a Saturday and make their way to the racecourse for the 9 a.m. start, whether they’re running, jogging, strolling, or just chugging around the 5 km course. The Park Run volunteer community is such a friendly and welcoming bunch that it truly makes this Saturday morning ritual something special. And yesterday was no different.

It was an extra treat for me, though, as I had the chance to meet Alex and Sam from Warwick Council’s ‘Active Travel Team.’ They had a stand at the Run’s meeting point, chatting with people about the benefits of cycling and encouraging everyone to get out and about. Not only did they kindly look after my bike while I was marshaling, but I also received a lovely free gift from the team—a set of bike lights. On top of that, Alex gave my bike a quick check-up to make sure it was roadworthy. What a bonus!

It was fantastic to meet such a great team, and I hope 'Active Travel' and GoodGym are able to collaborate on some future events. Thanks again, guys!

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Mark Gilyead
Joannah Middleton
Joannah Middleton signed up to a community mission.

Sat 19th Apr at 9:00am

Helping at Packmores Community Centre Easter event

Guided and supported by residents and volunteers, Packmores Community Centre exist to provide services and opportunities to the locals in the area

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Joannah Middleton
Joannah Middleton signed up to a community mission.

Sat 7th Jun at 10:00am

Garden tidy for The Gap Community Centre

Improve the exterior space at The Gap Community Centre, providing an inviting and well maintained entrance/outdoor area

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