GoodGym Hammersmith and Fulham

Hammersmith and FulhamMission

Two Armed Bandits

Sunday 8th September

Written by Sevan

Mrs R had sent up a flare to ask for help after receiving a warning letter from Hammersmith & Fulham council. It said that there would be a hefty fine for any bushes or trees that were overhanging the pavement. As Mrs R is now housebound, she needed help to trim the front hedge and a tree in the front garden.

The flare was seen from Ealing borough, with Kash and Sevan arriving to help after their morning task at Acton Junior parkrun. At first glance, the hedge and tree didn't look too bad, certainly not compared to the house next door! Mrs R was keen not to get into any trouble, so Kash and Sevan headed out to the street with 4 secateurs - one per hand? - and a ladder.

Sevan went low and Kash went high with the ladder. They moved along the front wall from right to left, trying to level the hedge and tree with the front wall. Rain had been forecast for the day, which hadn't materialised. The left overs from last night's thunderstorm were still hanging around however and gave Kash and Sevan a refreshing shower each time they chopped down a branch.

They only paused their work to explain what they were doing to Mrs R's downstairs neighbour and later, to receive complaints that they'd been renegades, cutting back too severely. The hedge would regrow and he was directed back to Mrs R who'd given the GoodGymers their instructions.

After bagging the cuttings, Kash showed Mrs R the before and after photos, which she was very happy with.

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Hammersmith and FulhamGroup run

Binding agreement to get the rubbish in

Tuesday 16th July

Written by Jonathan (he/him)

A local patrol of the borough found us a wonderful mix of rubbish and bindweed to take care of.

While not a complete haul, it definitely gave me ideas for sessions in the future!

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Hammersmith and FulhamCommunity mission
John D WrenJoyce Bok

What a wonderful evening!

Thursday 4th July

Written by Jonathan (he/him)

A truly lovely time helping out at the Age UK summer party!

Pleasure to meet Joyce for the first time, hope to see you again soon at a Hammersmith task! (but next time maybe don't sign us all up for table service!)

Thanks to John and Sarah again for organising and especially big shout out to Johnny as he was celebrated for his time with Age UK as well!

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Hammersmith and FulhamGroup run

We're in a bind!

Tuesday 9th July

Written by Jonathan (he/him)

A late cancellation left us scrabbling for a task on a muggy and spitting day.

Fortunately Goldolphin gardens came to the rescue, where I went along and detangled it of bindweed which was covering some of the hedges.

Initially thinking pickings were quite slim, managed to get a decent haul and in the bin!

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Hammersmith and FulhamMission

Please Mind the Weeds Between the Front and the Back Gardens

Sunday 30th June

Written by Sevan

Kash and Sevan had last visited Mr M two years ago. Even though time had passed, he said that he remembered the duo from their previous mission in 2022.

"I always remember the good ones" - Mr M

Michelle had been here recently, cutting and bagging lots of grass and weeds and Mr M remembered her too, so she had also made a good impression. Phase 2 in the garden was to finish the "lawn", pull up other weeds in the back garden, then clear the passage at the side of the house that linked the front and back gardens.

Unusually, Kash didn't immediately take control of the mower. Instead she found something more important to do, bagging a large pile of decomposing cuttings. The passing time could be measured by the "please mind the gap" announcements every 10 minutes from the nearby above ground Shepherds Bush Market station.

  • 3 mind the gaps: Decomposing cuttings bagged and shards of glass found in the ground
  • 6 mind the gaps: Lawn/weeds mowed and the weeds in front of shed were dug out. Discovered that there were a lot of weeds in the side passage
  • 9 mind the gaps: Side passage cleared and more bindweed untangled from high and low

Kash and Sevan didn't beat Michelle's 12 bags of cuttings. Still, they were pretty happy with the 8 they'd filled. So was Mr M who offered to make them lunch, which they politely turned down.

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Hammersmith and FulhamMission

Don't spy on me Argentina

Sunday 30th June

Written by Kash

When you sign up for a mission summarised as pushing a wardrobe, you don't know whether it is a 10-minute or a 1-hour and 10-minute job. Sevan and Kash hoped for an easy good deed, coming to Mrs G on Sunday afternoon.

The corner of her bedroom, which Mrs G envisaged as the perfect spot for the wardrobe, was occupied by a pile of bags and suitcases the GoodGymers had to move. Mrs G's bedroom redesign didn't factor in all that stuff, so Sevan and Kash left the bags in the room, out of the way.

The cupboard was too heavy to move, so the GoodGymers had to open it, despite not wanting to spy on Mrs G's wardrobe affairs. The lady's coats inside finally got to see daylight (or at least lightbulb light) when temporarily taken out to lighten the load. After that adjustment, the wardrobe slid nicely into the corner, making space for another - as volunteers found out - wardrobe coming soon to Mrs G.

The quick-win mission ended with Mrs G walking Sevan and Kash to the door and asking what was their take on the origin of the music played loudly by the neighbours. Mrs G interpreted it as something Eastern European, but for the GoodGymers the beat sounded more Latin American. No one could hear the words well, but Sevan was confident enough to place his bet for Argentinian tunes.

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