3rd Kingston Scout Group

12 GoodGymers have supported 3rd Kingston Scout Group with 2 tasks.

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Previous sessions
Kingston upon ThamesGroup run
Claire DunneSevanJane YellolyTara Acharya
Adam Stephens

Moshing in the heavy nettle

Tuesday 21st June 2022

Written by Rachel White

GoodGym's Kingston Tuesday's group run saw us go to the 3rd Kingston Scouts. We'd last visited a couple of months ago and it's amazing how quickly the weeds had returned with all the rain and sunshine. With our 8 runners, we split into two teams and got stuck straight in. One team went and worked their way round the perimeter of the bigger car park pulling out the long weeds that made it look sad and neglected.

The other team headed to the smaller of the two car parks which had become a dumping ground for litter and the nettles had become an issue on the bank. Piles of green waste soon appeared which was bagged up with a small amount of wrestling trying to avoid being stung by the nettles. All that tried failed and we compared our nettle stings at the end - 'good for arthritis' was the old wives tale that we used to distract ourselves from the itching.

A sunny and busy run along the river finished off our evening and we said goodbye at the Quaker Centre. A few notable mentions go to Tara for achieving 10 good deeds this evening (well done!), congratulations to Dave for completing his Run Leader training (yippee) and a cheery welcome to Sevan who ran a very long way to join us. Hope to see you next week!

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Kingston upon ThamesGroup run
Craig Shardlow
Tara AcharyaFionn Jonathan McManusTom Peacock

We promised to do our best at the Scout Hut. Dib dib dib

Tuesday 5th April 2022

Written by Rachel White

Our Tuesday group run took us to 3rd Kingston Scout Group to help tidy up the outside of their hut. They have two car parks that had started to get overgrown with weeds and the mild weather had caused these weeds to grow! GoodGym got prepared to do our duty.

We split into two groups: Claire, Craig and Fionn took the back car park to tackle the perimeter where the weeds were knee high and Tara, Martel, Dave and Tom climbed the grassy mound in the front car park to sort the weeds, nettles and litter. Interesting finds such as bottles of vodka, takeaway wrappers and lighters were found in the grass - not the sort of thing that scouts need for their badges. It was tough work but we cleared a good amount of weeds and rubbish and we promised to come back and help another time as we didn't quite finish clearing the nettles.

Did we earn a GoodGym badge for our sleeves? I think so... Dib dib dib.

We celebrated our our evening with a GoodGym social in the Albion for 2-4-1 burgers - yum, yum.

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