6 GoodGymers have supported Ascension Community Trust with 1 task.
Wednesday 18th August 2021
Written by Brahma Pochee
New task helping Ascension Trust on Wednesday. We had a quick chat about our favourite pub/cafe beforehand in the spirit of next week, as we're starting to use our new base, PrintHouse. To the benefit of my degrading memory, one of the answers was PrintHouse, good answer Hils. I've dived into my hippocampus and yup, nothing suitable is in there, I've forgotten everyone else's answer, will have to refresh me next week, the ills of a late report eh.
6 of us trotted over to the church, where Tom, his son and Sona met us warmly. After an introduction we quickly got to work, with clear and succint instructions - clear all the green growth. They've got plans in store for a sensory garden, think we were phase 1; get the plot ready and the weeds gone. As you can see in the pics, the guys did a smashing job in 30mins, cleared so much! Perhaps it was the table of donuts, chocolate bars, biscuits and drinks that gave us an extra push, perhaps not. Either way, we were spoiled with their generosity and had a solid glucose spike before heading back.
Must say does feel like we are on tour on something in South Newham, was another stunning run back into the sunset. Dan had to keep slowing down for us old folks. Hils had already done a few miles there, Kev and Shaz are getting into HM battle mindset. I did my third run in 9 months, first pain free one, chuffed.
We also said goodbye to Chris, as he's migrating south of the river to Plumstead. You'll be be missed, but hopefully we'll see you at some sessions, South Newham just a stones throw over the Thames. Good luck in your new manor.