City of York Council

Residents diagnosed with COVID-19 and their contacts
Local Authority

112 GoodGymers have supported City of York Council with 122 tasks.

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Leanne (she/her)
York runner
York runner
York runner

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Shrub tidying and tree guard removal at Ashton Park

Monday 30th September 2024 6:15pm - 8:00pm

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Monday 14th October 2024 6:15pm - 8:00pm

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YorkGroup run
Carl Wain
Lyndsey HayMitch

One step closer to the edge and I'm about to rake

Monday 12th August

Written by Ed Woollard (He/Him)

On a lovely summer's evening 19 GG Yorkies braved the heat and got stuck into shifting a load of bark chip at Hull Road Park. Before setting off we celebrated remarkable Richard who had recently completed his 200th Good Deed 💪 Give him a big cheer! We then numbered off by revealing pur childhood nicknames. I won't reveal any on here but there were certainly some interesting ones!

Laura set off with a steady group, whilst Ed and the rest of the crew followed shortly after and arrived at the wrong end of the park, so needed a further dash to get to right location. Fortunately Laura's group had already got to work and were showing the rest of the gang what needed doing. The task was straightforward enough; move bags of bark chip from one location to another, then cut them open and spread. Simple!

Whilst most GGers used the classic 'bag on shoulder' method, Max took the initiative and loaded up a wheelbarrow full of bags, working smarter, not harder! We were also accompanied by some very enthusiastic kids who were keen to help shift the bags, before soon losing interest and realising it was more fun to steal them instead.

It wasn't long before all of the bark chip was moved and given a good raking by Martin and Amy. So task owner Kristina was quick to dish out spades, hoes and leafblowers and set us off to work on some edging and general park maintenance. Unfortunately GG were so enthusiastic with their edging that they revealed a bit too much and had to put some grass back to hide the pot holes!

Before long it was time for a team photo and a spot of fitness. This week the team would alternate between being plankers and (downward)doggers, and then having to make a quick dash to a nearby tree, woth varying degrees of enthusiasm. Then it was back to CVS for some quick stretches and some rhubarb courtesy of the Griffs

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YorkGroup run
Abigail Darton
Carl Wain

Let them eat rake!

Monday 5th August

Written by York runner

Tonight we were celebrating Amy Woolard being crowned GoodGymer of the month and John Bourton reaching an outstanding 500 good deeds! Well done both of you.

Warming up, we numbered off giving our favourite thing about Canada in honour of it being Canada national day (full disclosure, I may have got the date wrong for this). Still, always good to big up Avril Lavigne. Then we split into two groups, some heading to Millennium Fields for raking up where the meadow had been given a trim, and some to Planet Southbank.

Vicky reports from Planet Southbank that the crack team was helping with some tasks in their community garden. One group cleared the fence so the railing could be painted, another helped to sort out the big pile of twigs and leaves and a third edged and dug over some beds. They also did a bit of litter picking. At the end they were rewarded with cake made by one of the neighbours and offered various bits of produce. They were very happy with our help and the little plot looked much neater afterwards.

Meanwhile at Millennium Fields we got stuck into the raking and dragging the cut grass over to the allotment compost bins where for reasons that escape me it was mixed with mud. For entirely predictable reasons Mitch jumped up on down on the top. Also, Abigail was spotted having a little nap on the soft pile. Many blackberries were also foraged. Mostly by me if I'm honest.

Both teams met up at Scarcroft Green for an olympic triathlon themed relay race (lacking a pool and bikes we made do with running, hopping, and skipping). Then it was back to the Priory Centre to warm down and off to the pub for beer and John's cake or legging it home to catch Kelly Hodgekinson bringing home the gold.

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YorkGroup run
Jenna DruryAbigail DartonLeannePaul KellyCarl WainMitch

Hull be there for you

Monday 15th July

Written by Ed Woollard (He/Him)

A small but perfectly formed group of GG Yorkies met for this weeks Monday night group run. Whilst numbers might have been low, spirits were high as we celebrated the weekends achievements with a round of applause for those who taken part in the Normanby Hall 10k on Sunday, including a couple of PBs. We then named and numbered off by celebrating the birth of Dutch painter, Rembrandt whilst naming our favourite TV show theme tunes (there is a link there, promise!)

Then it was off to task with Ed leading the group and Abigail backmarking with Vicky riding along side us as we headed to Hull Road Park for an evening of soil shifting. We were met at the task by Kristina from City of York council's environment team, who set us up with shovels and wheelbarrows and directed us towards 5 big sacks of soil which all required shifting into the play area were the removal of some old play equipment had left a rather large hole that needed filling.

Vicky took on the chief raker role and was joined throughout the task by Abigail and Jackie, whilst the rest of the gang got to work with the shovels and barrows.

One by one the sacks were emptied to the point of being dragable and the hole quickly filled up. But with time running down and Ed setting up the cones ready for another fitness sesh, it was touch and go whether all 5 sacks would be emptied in time. With literally seconds to spare the last sack was dragged across ready for stamping down with the whole team jumping up and down on top of it, apart from Mitch who was desperate to start a mosh pit with anyone he could.

After a quick team photo it was then time for a fitness sesh involving burpees, star jumps ,sit ups and a sprint finish. And it was Team Holgate who came up trumps with some rapid working out

Great session everyone

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YorkGroup run
Rachel EllisMitchClaudia Lethem

Hungry Hungry Heroes

Monday 8th July

Written by Ed Woollard (He/Him)

On our first warm summer's evening in what feels like forever, a stonking 25 GGers turned out for this week's Group Run to Hull Road Park. Before heading off we awarded the GoodGymer of the month gong for June to the amazing Abigail who not only regularly volunteers her services for back-marking duties but also recently completed her Taskforce training. Give her a big cheer (even if she wasn't on brand) 👏

Vicky then set off with the steady pace crew whilst the rest of the gang celebrated Mark Cavendish's achievements at the Tour de France, numbering off by naming the field in which they could set a record in. Turns out a GG York like food, a lot! Then it was off to the task 💪

At Hull Road Park we were greeted by Kristina from the City of York Council Environment Team who split the group into 3 teams:

Team 1 would be removing Verbena seedlings from the flower beds so they could be replanted elsewhere

Team 2 were getting edgy on the paths, removing overgrown grass and weeds

Team 3 were on bush trimming duties, removing unwanted plants from the hedgerows around the basketball courts

My face is in bush and I'm covered in hairy balls - Michael

Team 3 soon realised the perils of getting stuck into bush task as they came out covered in sticky, hairy ball type things. I'm sure they have a name but we were being too childish to look it up

Team 1 did such a good job removing the verbena seedlings that they soon ran out of plant pots. That didn't deter Sarah though who resorted to keeping the seedlings in the pocket of her leggings (possibly to take home to plant herself 🤫)

Meanwhile team 2 did a superb job on the path edging. Despite starting in the wrong place, they did a great job and uncovered loads of pathway that was previously lost the overgrown grass.

With the task coming to an end, some of the crew made a start on the bark chipping that is set to feature in next week's task. After a quick team photo Vicky led the steady group back to base whilst Ed set up this week's fitness sesh.

is this like the human centipede - Lyndsey

With the cones dumped in the middle of a circle of GGers, there was only one thing for it - a game of human Hungry Hungry Hippos. With people split into pairs and adopting the wheelbarrow position, the aim was to collect as many cones as possible. Turns out then some serious core strength is required, especially when reversing! Martin and Michael were the victors and their prize was to gather in the rest of the cones. Well done guys!

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YorkCommunity mission

Stop: Hammer Time!

Friday 31st May

Written by York runner

Four of us GoodGym Yorkies assembled on a very windy Friday lunchtime for a litter pick. Lucy was well-equipped with her bag hoop (which she'd received as a present apparently!). We began walking back in the direction most of us had arrived, spotting a good amount of litter in the grass along the cycle path and in the gutters. Max then made us do a detour as he spotted a side alley which was filled with litter. It was good to really make a difference to the appearance of this area in a short space of time, although there were a lot of difficult to reach items stuck behind fences and wedged in the hedges. After an hour we had collected a fairly full and heavy bag of rubbish each and Max was especially pleased with his two toy hammers!

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YorkGroup run
EllieStefan DurkinDebs Sharpe
Carl Wain

We like full butts and we can not lie

Monday 13th May

Written by Ed Woollard (He/Him)

Today's group run took an antipodean theme as we numbered off by stating our favourite things about Australia, featuring Koalas, crocodiles and a bit of Kylie. We also welcomed back Craig (aka Daddy Haggart) for his first group run in 2 years. Give him a big cheer! 💪

There was also a PB to celebrate with Debs smashing out her fastest ever 5k at the weekend 👏. And a milestone achievement with Stefan completing his 250th Good Deed early in the week. Well done guys.

We set off with Ed leading and Nikki and Amy backmarking, shortly arriving at West Bank Park to be greeting by Christine from the City of York Council environment team. Whilst waiting for Christine to finish unloading her van we had a quick round of Mexican wave star jumps, taking at least 3 attempts to make it all the way round!

The task itself involved us splitting into 3 groups. Team 1 were in charge of filling up a water butt over by the wildlife pond. Team 2 were tasked with restoring a soil area by the pergolas that had suffered from grass-creep. And team 3 helped Christine pack away some tools before turning over the compost area in the play park.

Team 1 dived straight in (not literally) and soon got into a rhythm of running water between the tap and the butt, even if they weren't entirely sure why.

Team 2 debated over exactly what edge they were restoring but soon made excellent progress, and made some clearly defined, if not straight, lines with their edging tools.

Team 3 made light work of the compost bins and started to look for additional work, with Max getting very engrossed in his benchmarking app! But before too long they were back at it with bags to fill with compost and some DIY to do to help keep the compost bins stable.

With time running out team 1 joined forces with team 2 to help them get tidy before it was time to wrap things up and get stuck into tonight's fitness sesh.

The fitness session loosely involved some core strength exercises, but was really just an excuse to make use of the dry weather to get people crawling around on the ground. Teams of 3 would alternate between going under and over their team mates in a race. As Ed was needed to help make up the numbers he was assured that there would be no cheating!

A fab session in the sunshine with lots of work done. Well done all

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