Friends of Cold Fall Woods

Improve the environment for the enjoyment of all.
The Friends of Coldfall Wood and Muswell Hill Playing Fields are an informal group of volunteers who share a common interest in protecting and enhancing these two green spaces

59 GoodGymers have supported Friends of Cold Fall Woods with 11 tasks.

Top supporters

Previous sessions
BarnetGroup run
Paul SalmanPenny SalmanLucinda SlaterBeattieKubilay KaraRachel MelinekFrancesco Ruvolo

GoodGym Barnet meddling in Coldfall Woods.

Tuesday 30th July

Written by Paul Salman

Last night’s GoodGym group run was a delightful mix of community spirit, fitness, and fun. We set out to meet Linda from the Friends group, who had requested our help to clear the area around the children’s playground and fitness equipment in Coldfall Woods.

The evening was warm and beautiful, perfect for a summer run. We gathered at the Phoenix Cinema, chatting excitedly about our upcoming holidays, before numbering up and setting off on a 4km run through the charming backstreets of East Finchley. Despite the heat, we took breaks to catch our breath and stay together, embodying GoodGym’s philosophy of social, inclusive running.

Upon reaching Coldfall Woods, Linda welcomed us and provided tools and bags. We spent a productive 40 minutes clearing weeds around benches and equipment, and picking up litter. It was rewarding to see the area looking tidier and more inviting for the community.

As the sun began to set, we headed back, the golden light filtering through the trees. We couldn’t resist playing a bit of frisbee on the recreational ground, laughing and enjoying the simple pleasure of throwing and catching as we ran.

We finished back at the Phoenix for a good stretch, savoring the last moments of the glowing sunset. Some of us then went to the pub for a well-deserved drink and a chat. To top off the evening, we watched the final of the freestyle relay event where Great Britain won the gold medal.

In our own way, we felt like we had won a medal too. Thanks to everyone who came out, ran, and helped make a positive impact in our community!

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BarnetGroup run
Paul SalmanBeattieMoya MalekinRachel MelinekCloudEmily

112 holes but it’s not a golf pitch

Tuesday 30th April

Written by Cloud (She/Her)

Beautiful evening for a short group run to help our friends of Coldfall wood.

Beattie, Rachel, Emily, Moya and Cloud set off from The Phoenix cinema for a steady 12 min run with a pit stop for a series of short sprints.

we met our host Linda at the back of Coldfall woods where the green open space is. Today's task involved digging little holes ready for seed planting next week. the planting will be done by the local school kids.

we have done an amazing job (pat on the back) digging a total of 112 holes ! there were a total of 5 volunteers... who do you think dug the most holes and how many??

keep up the great work GGers!

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BarnetGroup run
Paul SalmanMoya MalekinAlefiyahMegan DickinsonRupeshRachel Melinek

Goodgym Barnet experience a cultural shift!

Tuesday 8th August 2023

Written by Paul Salman

What’s the connection between Barbie and an old Arrowhead. The answer is this weeks GoodGym Barnet group run!

A goodgym group run is a great way to get perspective on life and what better way than to start in a barbie saturated cinema, run to an ancient woodland, (where they had found a 4000-year-old Arrowhead) and then help to protect the trees by rebuilding fences.

We gathered at the cinema which was covered in pink balloons to celebrate the arrival of the film. Then warmed up, introduce ourselves, before setting off on the 1.5 km to the woods where we met Linda.

During her introduction, she mentioned the fact that they had recently found an arrowhead, which dates between 1500, BC and 4000 BC. She then went on to explain how we would rebuild some of the forest fences. We got to work as the sun started to set and by the time we had finished and set off back to the cinema, it was twilight. We had enough time to do some shorts sprints before a warm down outside the cinema. Some of us then went for some light refreshments in the cinema café.

Thanks for coming, running, doing some good and maybe shifting your perspective for the better!

Give a shout out to our new runners… Alefiyah Megan

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BarnetGroup run
Moya MalekinJohn ShirleyJacqueline ShirleyRuslanRachel MelinekAntonio

No stick in the mud - she's run a century!

Tuesday 18th July 2023

Written by Moya Malekin (she/her)

6 GoodGymers ran to our local nature reserve Coldfall Woods to meet up with Ann from the Friends of Coldfall Woods. The recent winds had blown a lot of branches down, and with the summer heat there was a danger of fires from illegal barbeques. We were put to task in teams collecting branches and piling them onto designated areas to protect trees from being trampled around, and provide a nice habitat for insects and small rodents. We also found some rather unusual stinkhorn mushrooms growing, happily not yet at their stinkiest. We swiftly got stuck in to our stick-picking and made some satisfying piles.

But the big news of the night was that by joining this task (and gathering up litter on the way) Jacqueline had done 100 Good Gym deeds! What an achievement, and definitely worthy of that angel wings red t-shirt. No sticky wicket for her - that's a century! We all ran back and celebrated at the Phoenix cinema with some well earned hot drinks.

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BarnetGroup run
Paul SalmanBeattieRichardKirsten Shoraka

Tree - mendous tag running

Tuesday 2nd August 2022

Written by Paul Salman

Three of us met at the Phoenix Cinema to make the short walk and run to Coldfall Woods and its recreational ground to help with weeding. Ivana wanted to walk so we did alternate tag running ( one of us running off and back ) this allowed us to keep company with Ivana. Two others tried to meet us at the venue. Unfortunately Kirsten never found us despite using a WhatsApp tracker. (thanks for trying look forward to catching up soon!) Richard did join us and we met up with Linda who gave us tools to start our work. We were looking to clear the base of the tree of weeds and uncover the watering pipes. We then had the jolly task of throwing the bags of weeds over into the compound. we headed back and three of us had some refreshments at the Phoenix Cinema on its glorious balcony! thanks for coming running and doing some good!

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BarnetGroup run
Ali G
Valeria RodriguezRachelMoya MalekinJacqui

Coldfall bathing with goodgym barnet.

Tuesday 19th April 2022

Written by Paul Salman

A few GoodGym members came together at the Phoenix Cinema to support the friends of Coldfall Woods. Phew what didnt we do last night!.. 😅 here is the list!

short read..

Book Club, a run, paired squats , forest fencing ( that’s not a martial art), social chats, Forest bathing, yoga breathing, another run, warm down stretches and a drink in the Cafe! ( 3 also cycled home)

longer read...

We gathered for a chat , warmup and all recommended a favourite read. ( could you send your suggestions in the comments below?) We ran the 1 km to Coldfall and stopped to do some paired squats before meeting others at the entrance to the Wood. We met our host Vicci who explained we were going to repair the forest fences to encourage new growth within the wood. We also removed some unsightly items for disposal. The wood was magical with new green growth and an eerie twilight glow. To finish we gathered to do some forest bathing by just standing still and listening to the wood. ( it’s big in Japan)

please click on the red...

Big welcome and cheer for Rachel on her first group run! ( please click on her name to register your support or give her a cheer)

well done for doing something with your energy making yourself stronger and supporting your local community.

you did good!

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