GMax Trackstars

20 GoodGymers have supported GMax Trackstars with 4 tasks.

Top supporters

Previous sessions
BromleyGroup run
HannahStuart EatonTim Lund
Louise ChambersKim Parker

Pot Luck

Tuesday 9th April 2019

Written by Kim Parker

Firstly, thank you to GoodGym Bromley for making me feel so welcome on leading my first group run whilst Adele is enjoying a wonderful holiday in new York, it was a pleasure!

The news I'd wrote down for this week was Bradley's amazing half marathon at the weekend, but he must be resting as his name had disappeared from the group run page overnight, next time you see him, give him a cheer.

After the name count and a quick warm up, we headed across to GMax Trackstars wondering what tasks they had in store for us this week. It took a little time for me to get my bearings but with enough regulars to guide the way there, we all arrived together.

Tasks for the evening: painting of the doorframes, bagging up the plaster board and filling in screw holes.

The paint for this evenings task had been kindly donated by B&Q and was a variety of shades of white. With 15 minutes to go, all the doorframes had been painted, not wanting to have nothing to do and after a quick chat of what other jobs we could do, we bagged up some plasterboard and Stuart learnt a new skill of filling screw holes. I was pretty impressed with the work you all got done in the last 15 min!

Before we knew it, it was time for us to be heading back to the start point, but there was just about time to complete a quick fitness session on the way back. After a couple of repetitions of squat jumps with high 5's and star jumps, I spotted a wall that would be just perfect for a wall sit, and I couldn't let that opportunity pass.

Once back to the start point, we began to stretch and discuss how many teams we could enter into the Dino Dash in Crystal Palace Park in June.

Adele is back next week for the task at Living Well Foodbank.

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BromleyGroup run
Bradley SmithSarahMary FosterKerry TownleyNicoleAdele Prince

GoodGym x Earth Hour - Brixit

Tuesday 26th March 2019

Written by Adele Prince

An active eight eased towards the lighter evenings, with a nice 4k round-trip to help at Gmax Trackstars.

We hadn't seen Reece for a little while, but he returned on top form, gracing us with this brilliantly apt title pun.

A big welcome this evening to Sarah, who I wrongly assumed was a 'tourist', but it seems we are her local group, so welcome to the Bromley family Sarah! To start off the evening, we did a little celebration of our Heroes of March. For those who don't know, you can look at the leaderboards for different areas, to see who is doing the most good and so on. Here is our round-up for the month:

Most cheers given: Hannah - 119 Most cheers received: Bradley - 184 Most distance covered: Bradley - 359.30km (!!) Most good deeds: Tim - 6 (closely followed by Louise and Ian with 5)

Well done everyone, though I think we could get a bit more cheery, right?!

Tonight we were visiting our good friends at Gmax Trackstars over at the new Dragonfly Studio in Sydenham. An extra special thank you to the top team of Bradley and Stuart, who took the lead on the run tonight and to Reece for back-marking and making sure nobody was left behind.

We were met at the studio by Mark, who showed us all the good work that has been done since we were last here. We were blown away by the progress! The space we had worked in last time, moving insulation, was now a beautiful studio space, calm and peaceful. Other new spaces had also been constructed, creating offices and treatment rooms. Our job though, was not to simply admire all the work, but to shift a great big stack of bricks and to sweep the floor of the studio. Of course, a human chain was quickly formed and a jenga style game was being played.

As I flitted between the two spaces, I could see some great strength work going on, with Stuart showing us his squatting skills, Kerry doing some excellent lifts and Vic and Stephen doing some marvellous lunging. As seems to be the way when we come here, the task in hand was sorted in record time, allowing us to head upstairs to move some lengths of metal to be collected for scrap. Now these were wedged tightly between some other materials, so Bradley squeezed himself in and set about passing them out to some incredibly strong workers, who trailed back and forth with ease. Once this was done, we were ready to take our group photo in front of the lovely new sign (check the poses!).

I know everyone had worked very hard at the task, but I felt I could urge that little bit more out of the group, one last push to really work our bodies. Pausing at the little park near our start point, we worked through a brisk HiiT session, smashing some high-knees, squat-jumps, tricep-dips and burpees - that's not easy, but even tougher after a physical task!

As we stretched, I told everyone about next week's task, a rescheduled visit to Leaf and Groove in Forest Hill, to clean the metal shutters ready for a mural to be painted. Sign up here for a nice 5k round-trip and fun task - see you then!

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BromleyGroup run
Kerry TownleyNicoleElizabeth Smith
Clare GriffithsAdele Prince

Stars in their thighs

Tuesday 26th February 2019

Written by Adele Prince

On a strangely Spring-like February evening, 8 runners covered 4km to help out at GmaxTrackStars.

It's nearly March! Hoorah! The daffs are poking their heads out and the blossom is starting to bloom. Time to celebrate our Heroes of February! It's been a great month, with a big milestone last week, community missions, missions to help older people at home and coach running each week. Take a look at these numbers:

  • Cheers given: Bradley with 364
  • Cheers received: Bradley with 231
  • Distance covered: Bradley (yes, this is getting a bit predictable!) with...a whopping 340km!!
  • Good deeds: Louise C with 8 - brilliant Louise, well done!

I think we could all put a bit more effort into our cheering next month, show Bradley just how eager we all are to support our fellow GoodGymmers!

Well done to Darryl, who set out on his own missions journey today, by helping an older person in their home, making his good deed total up to 25!

GoodGym Olympic Games 2019 - this is a massive task-force-led sports day, bringing together runners from all areas to compete in a fun battle of sporting prowess. You could push yourself on the track, or you can show everyone just how amazing you are at racing in a sack, the choice is yours! Sign up here to find out more and to join in the fun (and REP.RE.SENT!!!).

Take it to the Gmax!

Tonight's task was taking us Sydenham way, to help our friends at Gmax Trackstars set up their new space. Last time we ran here a month ago it was snowing, tonight it was strangely mild and not a snowflake in sight! We were met at the task by Mark, who showed us downstairs into the basement, where we all stood back to admire the beautifully laid floor - the one that we had carried downstairs last time! The work is progressing nicely, with the floor giving a great sense of how things will look. Our job this evening was to clear the 'Rockwool' sacks away from the walls, placing them onto pallets so they can be more easily moved when the plasterboard goes up this week.

I quickly took a 'before' picture before everyone set to, busy bodies rushing around the space, creating gift-like packages, wrapped up with red and white striped 'bows'. As we went, we cleared away stray bits of wood and found a bit of time at the end to sweep up and create a good working space for the plasterers to get on with their job. Next time we visit, the space will have moved on even further and might even have a new ceiling! Good luck Mark and team, see you soon!

Tonight's fitness session made use of Alexandra Park on our way back to our start point. Once our eyes had adjusted to the dark, we had a game of 'Duck, duck, goose', featuring squats, jumping jacks and heel raises, oh and some rugby tackle style play. Feeling a bit warmer, we did some running drills to remind ourselves of good form, before setting off around the park at a 'comfortably fast' pace. Finding our partners, we then worked on pacing (slightly tricky in the dark!), with some really excellent form and with everyone clearly working out of their comfort zones! Just to make sure we had pushed hard enough, we rounded off with a plank caterpillar (cue lots of groaning).

Next week we will be off to Melvin Hall, where we will have a cleaning job to tackle, sign up here to join in. Don't forget! It's our quiz night social on Thursday at our start point! We have a team of six, but are allowed some extras if you want to join us - sign up here, so I can keep track of numbers (and get swatting!). I'm really looking forward to seeing just how clever you all are and showing everyone what GoodGym Bromley are made of!

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