Greener & Cleaner

Greener and Cleaner works to normalise a greener, more sustainable way of life for residents of south east London. Together, we aim to make a measurable difference to our environment.

Positive actions and solutions for everyday life to make green living and working the norm.

Greener & Cleaner are galvanising and equipping people and organisations with inspiration, resources and skills to work towards the social change required to combat the climate crisis.

Let’s change together.

29 GoodGymers have supported Greener & Cleaner with 18 tasks.

Top supporters
Mark Gilyead
Mark Gilyead (he/him)
Bromley runner
Bromley runner

Upcoming sessions
Working on the Greener & Cleaner Community Garden 🌱

Saturday 28th September 2024 10:00am - 12:00pm

Working on the Greener & Cleaner Community Garden 🌱

Sunday 13th October 2024 10:00am - 12:00pm

Working on the Greener & Cleaner Community Garden 🌱

Sunday 3rd November 2024 10:00am - 12:00pm

Previous sessions
BromleyCommunity mission
TillyMichaelJ GonosKarine ReintonRiaCharlie

Come on baby, like my flyer

Tuesday 27th August

Written by Mark Gilyead (he/him)

This evening we had a post bank holiday posting task! A new volunteer-led repair cafe is being set up in Beckenham and the team wanted a hand spreading the word, to recruit volunteers, to let people know they can get their stuff fixed for free, and to ultimately lead to less waste and less buying new. Lovely stuff.

We met at Beckenham Spa and welcomed Jane and Karine who are brand new to GoodGym - so great that you chose to join us today!

We split into two groups - Stephen, Charlie, Karine and Jane took on a nearby road, whilst Ria, Michael and I did a short jog round the corner.

150 or so leaflets down, we called it a day with a few of us taking extra leaflets to pop into shops/other streets.

Nice one, team!

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BromleyCommunity mission
Mark GilyeadMichael

Can you peel the burn?

Tuesday 20th August

Written by Michael

We were once again down at the Greener and Cleaner allotment to do a big clean up of the site.Louise brought her brilliant energy and Mark his experience but we also managed to also get some additional friendly helpers (thanks Eventbrite) who were brilliant in helping us get potatoes, tomatoes, horse radish and removing horse tails. Clare from Greener and Cleaner popped down to help with watering too and the allotment was now 'bake in business's!

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BromleyCommunity mission
Mark GilyeadNykoletteMichael

Oh My, How you've grown

Tuesday 23rd July

Written by Nykolette

WOW, it was a shock to see just how much all the trees, herbs and vegetables has grown. The last time I was at this space was back in March when we had only just planted everything.
The bramble tree was giving off loads of apples that would make the best pies, there was also an abundance of blackberries not to mention the potatoes I brought home to show off to the neighbours. Louise spent time mulching and avoiding the flying ants nests, Mark was busy watering everything while I tried to free the baby trees from all the weeds that were surrounding them. All in all it was a very productive mission. I really enjoy coming to this space and It was lovely to see the chickens again they're always such a delight.

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BromleyCommunity mission

Feeling Greener and Cleaner at the allotment

Sunday 23rd June

Written by Michael

The GoodGym team went down to the Greener and Cleaner allotment to water, plant and pick cherries to support the amazing work the organization does. As we drew attention from other allotment owners, we helped out carrying pallets, picking pears from trees and taming berries. The team will for sure be back again 😊😊😊

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BromleyCommunity mission
Mark Gilyead

Weedy eyed

Tuesday 11th June

Written by Mark Gilyead (he/him)

Our task last night was all about the weeds. There were some new saplings trying to grow but struggling a bit because of being swamped by weeds.

Hannah and Louise were pulling out all the horsetail and bindweed and all the other rogue weeds whilst I made a start on evening the entrance ground out to make it more accessible.

When we were done, we helped ourselves to some strawberries (bit sour) and took some garlic home!

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BromleyCommunity mission
Mark GilyeadJosh Shinerock

Strawberry Yields Forever

Tuesday 28th May

Written by Mark Gilyead (he/him)

Just me this evening, so a quick water of the vertical strawberry planter and a whip round the allotment to make a plan for next time.

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