Team Springboard CIC

Community Garden and Growing Project
We are a horticultural Social Enterprise who support people with significant barriers to living a fulfilled life smash those barriers by Offering volunteering, training and work experience opportunities

23 GoodGymers have supported Team Springboard CIC with 36 tasks.

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Upcoming sessions
Supporting Team Springboard at their allotment

Saturday 21st September 2024 10:30am - 11:30am

Previous sessions
CoventryCommunity mission
Jackie Dines

Bring the (green)house down!

Wednesday 31st July

Written by James

4 Goodgymers made there way to a house in Earlsdon . Andy the owner had decided to kindly donate a greenhouse to Zen / Lakeside Lake view.

The Greenhouse was at the bottom of his beautiful garden and we needed to take it all down and load it into the van and take it to Zen. This was no easy task as it it was tricky work carefully removing panels and Labeling as we went .

Graeme, Jackie and Nigel did an excellent job removing the panels and clips! Like seasoned professionals, We were up against it for time and the heat, although glorious, made it that extra bit challenging.
We were accompanied by the lovely Esther who helping with labeling and arranging the glass ready for James to take to the van.

The Greenhouse was that well put together that it would require a second visit, as the base was pegged and concreted in!

Most of the Greenhouse was taken and off loaded at Zen Garden stored carefully, ready to put back together at some stage .

Another task for Goodgym maybe?!

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CoventryCommunity mission
Laura P

Ain't no party like a Springboard party!

Saturday 6th July

Written by Laura P (she/her)

Two Goodgymers went to the Team Springboard CIC allotment to help celebrate their 10th birthday with the other regular volunteers.

Although the weather was grey and rainy, it was lovely to see some of the other volunteers, have a cup of tea and a chat and have some delicious BBQ food, all within the beautiful surroundings of the allotment.

Here's to another 10 years!

(picture from a sunny day @ Springboard - in case we start forgetting what they look like!)

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CoventryCommunity mission
Laura PLilian


Saturday 4th May

Written by Laura P (she/her)

Two Goodgymers went to the Team Springboard Zen Garden for a lovely morning in the sunshine. Our tasks for the morning included weeding around the broad beans, removing mares tail from raised beds and potting seedlings on. After we finished our weeding, we had a lovely cup of tea and biscuit and a catch up and chat with the regular volunteers.

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CoventryCommunity mission
Laura Denham

A friends who weeds is a friend indeed

Saturday 30th March

Written by Laura Denham

On a radiant Saturday morning, 2 enthusiastic GoodGymers attended the volunteer day at the Springboard allotments to lend a hand.

Despite the briefness of our visit we managed to rid some beds of pesky weeds helping to ensure the garden stays healthy and productive.

Lovely morning!

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CoventryCommunity mission

Fantastic Mr Fox (or Mrs)!

Saturday 25th November 2023

Written by Katherine (she/her)

2 Goodgymers arrived on a sunny Saturday morning to help with maintaining Springboard's allotment. It was the first real frost of the season which meant the ground was far too hard to dig or weed anything, but Esther always has something to keep us busy no matter what the weather. On the plus side, the clear skies meant we had glorious sunshine all morning and topped up our vitamin D levels!

Today we were transferring some wood chippings via wheelbarrows back to the allotment and adding them to the home made compost, as well as adding to piles of chippings that will eventually be used to form a path.

There were a few other volunteers who also helped with cutting back brambles along the hedge at the back of the plot.

Just as we were starting to feel ready for a hot cuppa, a friendly furry face arrived and distracted us. We couldn't quite work out if our foxy visitor was a male or female, but either way they enjoyed the dog biscuits that Esther provided them with and later enjoyed half of Esther's lunch! We'd never seen such a tame fox and in such good condition as well.

A thoroughly enjoyable morning in the sunshine and it was great to have a chance to chat to and get to know the other volunteers Bridie, Alex and Colin.

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CoventryCommunity mission
Laura DenhamJackie Dines

We’ve bean busy

Saturday 21st October 2023

Written by Laura Denham

Jackie, Laura and 2 cute little helpers supported Team Springboard this morning.

We got lots done including harvesting Cucumbers, mulching 2 raised beds with own compost, planting elephant garlic, lots of blackberry branches cut back, picking beans, raspberries and apples.

Such a productive couple of hours and ending with lemon balm tea and biscuits!

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