The Finchley Charities

A community allotment to support the food bank
grwos food for the community . Provides work experience for young people with additional needs and primary school children. Raised beds for older people - intergenerational projects

13 GoodGymers have supported The Finchley Charities with 3 tasks.

Top supporters

Previous sessions
BarnetGroup run
Paul SalmanMichaela MiedziolkaStephanieLucinda SlaterRachel Melinek

GoodGym Barnet Digging Deep for a Figtastic Feast!

Tuesday 20th August

Written by Paul Salman

GoodGym Group Run Report: Helping the Allotment for East Finchley Food Bank

Last evening, our GoodGym team gathered at the historic Phoenix Cinema for a group run with a purpose—this time, to lend a hand at the allotment run by Finchley charities in support of the East Finchley Food Bank. As we assembled, conversation quickly turned to our favorite books and current reads, sparking lively discussions and giving us plenty to chat about during our run along Finchley High Street. It was a great way to discover new titles and connect with each other over shared interests.

GoodGym is all about inclusivity, so our run catered to different fitness levels. We made regular stops to ensure everyone could keep up, and during these breaks, the faster runners took the opportunity to do some squats and kick drops—perfect for strengthening quadriceps and staying warm with a bit of aerobic work.

Upon reaching the allotment gates, we were greeted by Carmel, who gave us an inspiring overview of the charity’s mission and its impact on the community. Energized by her words, we ran down to the plot where we received our tasks for the evening.

The main job was to transport woodchip to the bottom of the allotment, under a fig tree and other trees, to create a space for school groups. The allotment also serves as an educational resource, so this task was particularly meaningful. Armed with wheelbarrows and shovels, we got to work. Meanwhile, a couple of team members continued work on a pond we had started during our last visit. This time, they focused on filling gaps around the edges with soil and spreading sand to create a welcoming area where kids can gather and observe pond life in the future.

Unfortunately, we discovered that one of the plum trees had suffered significant damage, so we carefully removed the broken branches and placed them at the back of the allotment. However, our spirits were lifted when we noticed a perfectly ripe fig, which we joyfully picked and shared, savoring its sweet taste.

The allotment has already produced fresh vegetables for the food bank, including lettuce, and we were pleased to witness the harvest of some potatoes during our visit. As the evening drew to a close, we made sure to finish up by 8:30 pm, ensuring we had time to warm down before heading home.

It was a beautiful, warm summer evening, and the setting sun cast a golden glow over our final moments together. Our group—Paul, Lucinda, Theo, Rachael, Stephanie, and Michaela—left the allotment with a sense of accomplishment, having combined exercise with doing good for the community.

well done to Stephanie on her first GoodGym run hope to see you again. click the link.

Looking forward to the next one!

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BarnetGroup run
PeterJohn ShirleyMichaela MiedziolkaJames ValeBeattieKirsten Shoraka

Goodgym Barnet fuelling fun and food in East Finchley

Tuesday 2nd July

Written by Paul Salman

What do you get when you mix nine eager GoodGym runners, a plot of land, and a historic charity? A wheelbarrow load of fun, fitness, and community spirit, of course!

Last night, on a gloriously warm summer evening with a few picturesque clouds, we set off on a mission to support the Finchley Charities. These good folks have been helping the community for over 500 years, primarily through their Armes houses, but also by nurturing an allotment that provides fresh food for the local food bank.

Our run was off to a dynamic start as we paused for a round of dropkick squats—because why not add some flair to our fitness? Then, onward we dashed, meeting up with Anton at the allotment. Anton gave us the lowdown on the Finchley Charities and led us through some very imposing gates. (Seriously, these gates were practically auditioning for a part in the next Game of Thrones season.)

With the gates behind us, we jogged through the lush allotments, making our way to the heart of the Finchley Charities site. Tasks were promptly dished out: some of us took on the heavy-duty job of wheelbarrowing mulch down to the bottom of the allotment to prep the area for visiting school kids. Others got down and dirty with some weeding and continued the epic quest of digging out an area for a new pond.

Time flew by as we dug, weeded, and mulched, and before we knew it, it was time to head back. We made our way back to the Phoenix Cinema for a well-earned warmdown.

A big shoutout to everyone who came out to run, work up a sweat, and do some good. in particular to our new runners.Michaela and James

Remember, every step we take and every task we tackle makes a difference. See you at the next run!

Keep running and doing good!

Read more
BarnetGroup run
Paul SalmanRachel MelinekBeattieJohn ShirleyKaty Hulm

Alms less cooperation between GG Barnet and the Finchley charities!

Tuesday 28th May

Written by Paul Salman

Five intrepid GoodGym members gathered at the Phoenix Cinema this evening, ready for a run with purpose. After a lively warm-up, we set off down East Finchley High Street towards our destination: the Finchley allotments, nestled behind some imposing steel gates.

Upon arrival, we were welcomed by Simon, our guide, who introduced us to Carmel. Carmel works for the Finchley Charities, a venerable institution established in the 1400s. It's awe-inspiring to think of the centuries of community support and good deeds this charity has provided, particularly through the Almshouses.

The charity recently acquired a plot at the allotments to grow food for the local Food Bank and create an educational space for school visits. It was our mission tonight to help clear the plot and prepare it for planting.

Split into two enthusiastic groups, we dug, weeded, and worked our socks off! Amidst the toil, I had a fascinating chat with John about the Almshouses in Barnet. His insights into their historical and current roles were enlightening and added an extra layer of meaning to our work.

After transforming the plot into a promising space for future crops and providing a hole for the pond we said our goodbyes and headed back. Our return run featured some fun Indian sprints, with the runner at the back sprinting to the front, keeping our energy high as we made our way back to the Phoenix Cinema for a final warm-down.

The rain kindly held off, and we wrapped up the evening with smiles all around, proud of our contribution to such a longstanding and impactful community project. Another GoodGym run well done!

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