Valley Primary School

Care, Learn Together, Aim High, Be Honest, Look After What We Have
A primary school in Shortlands, Bromley

6 GoodGymers have supported Valley Primary School with 3 tasks.

Top supporters
Mark Gilyead
Mark Gilyead (he/him)
Bromley runner
Bromley runner

Previous sessions
BromleyCommunity mission
Mark GilyeadHannah

Everything but the kitchen stink

Sunday 28th January 2024

Written by Hannah

A Fab Four of us met headteacher Mr Jackson at Valley Primary School today to scrub up the mini kitchen for kids to use for cooking and DT. Cupboards, surfaces, drawers, fridges, the oven of death… none were any match for our cleaning skills! [See before and in-progress shots.] We also enjoyed the child-height hob and wondered what delicacies might soon be produced in the sparkling facilities… though Mr Jackson did warn us that it’s often the thought the counts ; )

Shout out to new-ish Goodgymmer Michael who was so keen to help us get to 100 deeds this month that he signed up to a Tuesday task on the spot!

NB: The kitchen did not actually stink! Except of lemony ginger cleaning products.

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BromleyCommunity mission
Mark Gilyead

It's the (tree) Circle of Liiiiife

Saturday 20th May 2023

Written by Mark Gilyead (he/him)

A delightful morning for cutting some tree circles, we met at Valley Primary School to lend a hand to some pretty new tree saplings. The grass around them is taking all the water from the soil, so our job was to carefully cut around the bases, removing the grass, so the trees grow big and strong.

It was toasty work but we successfully managed to get all the trees freed! Nice one team!

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BromleyCommunity mission
Mark GilyeadHannah

Happy Valley

Saturday 28th January 2023

Written by Hannah

A nice indoor task at Valley Primary School today! Mark, Stephen and Hannah joined Tanya and the headteacher (also a Stephen) to re-paint some of the walls in the school’s main hall, where kids had been having a bit too much fun scuffing their shoes / causing chaos / generally leaving the paintwork in need of some care. We got to work with the brushes and rollers, and meanwhile were entertained by the head’s stories of competing with pupils on his trombone exams. We’re back in February for another task - possibly for some more Painted Love...?

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