Wildcat Wilderness

A hidden gem alongside the river in Catford

Wild Cat Wilderness is a community green space in Catford coordinated by the Rushey Green Time Bank. It is a natural wilderness on your doorstep, which you can help shape and get involved in. It is your community space where you can explore nature and the wildlife, play or relax in its peacefulness, learn new outdoor skills or crafts, share and enjoy the space with other local people of all ages, cultures, faiths and abilities.

192 GoodGymers have supported Wildcat Wilderness with 49 tasks.

Top supporters

Previous sessions
LewishamGroup run
Alison PikeAbiLindsay RamseyMiguel RodriguesTom BigglestoneMaria Ahmed

Surf & Turf

Monday 27th March 2023

Written by Kim Parker

As the group gathered at Glass Mill, one thing was obvious, everyone's beaming smiles because it was still daylight (and we got most of the task done in daylight).

We began our run to Wildcat, a route we hadn't done in quite a while and after a couple of locks to unlock we made it into Wildcat and to where our supplies had been safely stored by Maria - thank you!

Bags and gloves distributed, it was time to tackle the rubbish that lay along the path. On first glance there wasn't that much but once we looked a bit harder, that's when we found the rubbish and we found some gems: a lobster, a burger and football.

There was a large patch of rubbish that was proving too difficult for one person alone so we sent in the heavy lifters (Miguel and Oli) with top of the range protective gear (shorts) and equipment (the biggest bag we could find) who hauled the last of the rubbish out of the tight spot in the trees.

Vic arrived just in time for the group photo and most importantly in time for pizza! A team of 4 top GG-ers made their way back to Glass Mill and then back to Mamma Dough whilst the rest of the group detoured straight to pizza and missed out on 2km of running!

Next week we are heading to Senior's to help in the garden.

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LewishamGroup run
Kim Parker
Bradley MaddenRoseanne RiannaAdam LetchAlice Newstead

Why nettle for anything less

Monday 6th September 2021

Written by Kim Parker

These superstars braved the hot weather and cleared the paths from nettles, now people visiting won't have to dodge the nettles on the path that leads to the beautiful space.

We gathered outside Glass Mill in the sunshine, a slightly smaller group than expected but that turned out to be perfect for the task. It was a slightly longer run over to Wildcat Wilderness and in the heat - everyone did AMAZING!

Our task for this evening was weed bashing the nettles and weeds that were hanging over the path and catching unsuspecting legs (like mine, after all these years I've still not learnt to wear long leggings at Wildcat). Everyone got quickly stuck in and the path was cleared in no time! We even found a frog.

We said goodbye to the cyclists and made our way slowly back to Glass Mill which led to the realisation that there are limited road crossings (time for breaks) on this route. We stick together as a group on our group runs so we stopped to catch our breath and adjust jackets.

Next weeks group run is postering for Food2You – we are going to be heading off in groups in different directions to help spread the word about this wonderful cause - sign up here.

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LewishamGroup run
Sam Sam HuiVicOliverBenAlice Newstead

New faces clear green spaces

Monday 16th August 2021

Written by Kim Parker

On what turned out to be a beautiful evening for some running and doing good, 14 superstars gathered outside Glass Mill ready to head over the Wildcat Wilderness. This evening we celebrated Adam's 50th good deed after stalling on 49 for a lot of the pandemic, it's well deserved - next time we see him, he might be wearing his black 50th good deeds t-shirt. Give him a cheer!.

It was wonderful to see some new faces, faces from different areas and returning faces! After a quick warm up, we started to make our way to Wildcat Wilderness. It's one of our longer runs and everyone smashed it! We picked up the cyclists and people meeting us at the task and made our way into Wildcat to meet Heather who explained this evenings tasks, weed bashing - much to everyone's delight!

The group split into 2, one tackling the pathways leading to the bees and the other tackling the area around the willow trees. There was a moment when I thought the group I was giving instruction to had weed bashed too far (is that even possible?) but after checking with Heather, it was all good!

Before we wrapped up there was a path that needed clearing by the bees and the best person to tackle that was a weed bashing expert - Vic! The path was cleared in no time and it was soon time to gather everyone back up for a group photo.

We arrived back at Glass Mill a slightly smaller group to when we departed, for a cool down and celebrate our achievements this week.

We are volunteering at Hilly Fields Parkrun on Saturday morning, if anyone fancies joining, sign up here and don't forget to email HF Parkrun to let them know what role you'd like to do.

GOOD LUCK to everyone running The Big Half on Sunday!!

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LewishamCommunity mission
Caireen McGinnVicLinda Gatley

Last of the Summer Wild(cat)

Wednesday 21st July 2021

Written by Caireen McGinn

Three volunteers spent a lovely summers' evening watering the garden at Wildcat Wilderness, and chopping back some of the weeds that are threatening to overwhelm the orchard. It was HOT, so we took it fairly easy, chatting as usual about Jeff Bezos and how we would spend his money (seems to be a favourite topic of conversation at this task!) It was my very last task for Good Gym at the Wildcat Wilderness as I'm moving out of London, and we spent some time reflecting on the lovely group of people that make up Good Gym Lewisham, who I will miss very much! Keep being brilliant! xx

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LewishamCommunity mission
Caireen McGinnLinda GatleyMaria Ahmed

Catford Fridge, Lewisham

Saturday 10th April 2021

Written by Caireen McGinn

Community tasks are back at The Wildcat Wilderness! A HUGE amount of rubbish has been uncovered on the site over the last few months as regular volunteers to the site have been clearing and uncovering to make way for new spaces, such as the outdoor classroom. The rubbish pile has been steadily increasing over the lockdown, waiting for Good Gym Lewisham to step in and sort it as soon as restrictions were lifted. A team of 6 arrived to site on a cold Saturday morning, but we soon warmed up as we got stuck in to lifting the rubbish into wheelbarrows and navigating the long path from the Wilderness back to the street and into the skip. We even managed to fit in an old fridge freezer that some kind person had 'gifted' to the site many years ago. The task was completed so quickly that we even had time to do some good old fashioned weed bashing of the pathway making access to the site as acessible as possible in preparation for schools and members of the public to be welcomed back. It was so lovely to be back in this special place.

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LewishamCommunity mission
Louie ChristieRebecca Cavanagh
Felicity JCaireen McGinn

I'm Dreaming of a Wild (cat) Christmas

Saturday 19th December 2020

Written by Caireen McGinn

It was more of a brown Christmas than a white one at the Wilderness...mud, mud and more mud after all the rain we've been having. But this didn't deter 5 Good Gym volunteers from turning up on a Saturday in December to help continue clearing some space for an outdoor classroom. In addition to the usual digging up of bramble roots and raking of ivy, we got to use a saw to remove some tree stumps (excellent upper body workout opportunity).

And huge CONGRATULATIONS to Oli - it was his 100th Good Deed!!!!!!!! Celebrated with a socially distanced coffee afterwards, just in time before Tier 4 hit! Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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