Windmill Community Gardens Nottingham

13 GoodGymers have supported Windmill Community Gardens Nottingham with 5 tasks.

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NottinghamCommunity mission
Rachel Levick
NinaNigel RowdenRosemarie VentirosoVytautas Venckunas

Slugs and nails and puppy dogs' tails (made out of wellies...)

Wednesday 17th July

Written by Rachel Levick

GoodGym Nottingham returned to the wonderful Windmill Community Gardens for our Wednesday night task. They are hosting their annual Feel Good Garden Party on Saturday and needed our help with a few jobs in preparation for the event.

Carley set us to work clearing a large pile of rubbish and wood, transporting it in wheelbarrows to a skip which was located a bit further down the entrance road. Our main challenge was avoiding all the rusty nails sticking out of the wood. Most of the pile was destined for the skip, but we managed to save some glass, plastic and metal for recycling. We also rescued several slugs and a dog made out of welly boots!

Once the first rubbish pile was clear, our next job was to fill our wheelbarrows with wood chip from outside the gate and transport it to the very back of the gardens where it would be laid to make a path. Not wanting to waste a wheelbarrow journey, we filled them with more rubble and wood for the skip on the way back out.

It was a warm, balmy evening in Nottingham (a rarity at the moment). So much so that at one point Nigel decided to take a shower…door, from the rubble pile. We finished with a quick photograph by our full skip and headed on our way.

What a smashing task!

See the pictures for details of the Feel Good Garden Party and other events at the Windmill Community Gardens.

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NottinghamCommunity mission

Last-Minute Larries Lopping Leaves

Thursday 27th June

Written by Nottingham runner

In what might well be GG Nottingham's fastest request-to-task turnaround ever, Leah and Gaurav headed to help our friends at Windmill Community Gardens with a time-sensitive job that had had to be postponed from the weekend due to mini heatwave we've had.

After a delicious pasta lunch cooked on-site by the other volunteers using some of the Gardens' produce, we were introduced to the affectionately named "Murder Shed" (also known as the "Haunted Shed"). It's in a relatively recently acquired plot on the site and is due to be taken away for disposal on Monday. However, it was surrounded by overgrown plants and very tricky to access.

It had been mostly cleared during the morning, but we stepped in to rake up the cuttings and clear a path for access. We also helped move a big window and frame to get it out of the way.

Finally, we moved on to clear some spiky plants, weeds and nettles from the other side.

Hopefully the rest of the shed clearance goes well next week!

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NottinghamCommunity mission
Serafina RowdenGauravRosemarie VentirosoVytautas VenckunasHannah ReddinTom Oliver

Hoe we go again!

Wednesday 19th June

Written by Rachel Levick

We returned to the Windmill Community Gardens last night for the second week running, with a bumper 9 GoodGymers in the group (one of our best attended sessions).

This time we were met by Carley who gave us a tour of the gardens and told us about all the amazing initiatives that go on there. This includes the beautiful space dedicated to the Growing Forward scheme which supports people in Nottingham to improve their mental and physical wellbeing through gardening activities. Even those of us who had been there before saw spaces we never knew existed!

Once the tour was complete, our task was to remove weeds from some of the paths in the main section of the garden to make them look tidier and more ‘path-like’. Each armed with a hoe, we set to work tackling the weeds – ‘decapitating not digging’, as we had learnt the previous week. As we were all working in close proximity on this task, the conversation flowed and the group had a good natter about all things GoodGym and beyond.

To complete the job, we spent the last part of the hour fetching wood chippings to lay on the paths we had cleared. By the time we left the paths looked as good as new!

Earlier in the evening Carley had mentioned that one of the beds contained some edible flowers, so after we had downed tools we couldn’t resist having a little nibble and a photo! We also raided the herb bed (at Carley’s invitation) so several of the group also went home with a selection of herbs.

We welcomed Rosemarie and Vytautas to their first GoodGym session last night, and also Hannah back for her second. Serafina also returned after a few months away travelling.

Next Wednesday is our first birthday party – we hope to see everyone there!

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NottinghamCommunity mission
Rachel Levick
Natalie CooperTom OliverRachel Watson

Hoedown! ('a social occasion when lively dances are performed')

Wednesday 12th June

Written by Rachel Levick

Every day is a school day with GoodGym, and it was definitely a night of learning and trying new things when we visited the Windmill Community Gardens for our latest session. Not only did Tom get to wear a hard hat, but we also had a lesson in hoeing and learnt various other bits of garden-related knowledge from our wonderful host, Tracey. As if this wasn’t exciting enough, some of us also got to act as tool models, another first for GoodGym Nottingham!

We met Tracey on arrival and she explained our tasks for the evening – pruning some overhead branches, clearing a couple of paths which had become overgrown and generally weeding around the garden paths.

After a quick game of ‘who is the tallest?’, it was decided that Tom should take on the pruning as it involved some quite high-up branches. With help from a 3-legged ladder specifically designed for tree pruning (who knew!) and a trusty hard hat, he got to work, first clearing branches from around a chimney before moving to another area on the far side of the garden.

Nat and Rachel L tackled the overgrown pathways. Neither of us had used a hoe before so Tracey gave a quick demonstration and a little lesson on which plants were which, what she wanted removed and what should be left. Our aim was to re-create a pathway and restore access to some raspberry plants so that they can be picked when ready.

Meanwhile, Leah and Rachel W took on the general weeding and helped transport the cuttings to the ‘fling it and forget pile’ – something else new that we learnt about last night. They even managed to find an egg amongst the weeds, which resulted in yet another discussion and lesson about the egg’s origin. It was a very educational evening!

Whilst we were working, Tracey needed to take some photographs of us using the tools. They are putting together a fantastic resource called ‘World Garden Words’ aimed at making gardening more accessible to those for whom English is not their first language and these pictures would feature to help people learn how to use the tools.

As the hour drew to a close, two questions remained:

  1. Would Nat sniff out a dead hedge? The answer was yes!

  2. How many GoodGym-ers does it take to put a broken slide into the back of a car? The answer to this was eventually one. After pondering how best to do this, stomping on it and Tom heading off to find something to tie it up, Rachel W scooped it up and popped it in the boot like a car-loading pro. Well done Rachel!

We waved good bye to Tracey as she headed to the tip and we all went home. We will be back at the Windmill Community Garden next Wednesday for more fun!

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NottinghamCommunity mission
Rachel Levick
Peter EdwardsNigel Rowden

Paving the way for...some paving

Wednesday 24th April

Written by Rachel Levick

Four Nottingham GoodGymers headed back to the Windmill Community Gardens on Wednesday evening to help with a spot of gardening. On arrival we met Lu who explained that our task was to clear a section of the garden at the side of the summer house which will become a paved area. The idea is that this will be a quiet space for visitors who want to take some time out and enjoy a moment of calm.

We spent an hour clearing the area of various bits of wood, pots, debris and weeds before levelling it out and smoothing it over ready for some slaps to be laid.

Thanks to Lu for hosting us and for the cup of tea which we enjoyed in a small bit of evening sun before we headed home.

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