

I live in Wimbledon, I'm a Forensic Scientist and I like all things nature & exercise


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Beth (She/her) completed 25 good deeds with GoodGym. 🤩

Monday 9th September

On a roll

On a roll

Beth (She/her) completed 25 good deeds with GoodGym.

Beth has already done 25 good deeds with GoodGym. Instead of doing anything else, they've used their run to go and help people that need their help; digging, lifting, scraping, clearing, planting and weeding. Stuff that makes this a better place to be.

Beth (She/her) went on a group run

Mon 9th Sep at 6:30pm

Blast for the paths

Wandsworth Report written by Anastasia Hancock (she/her)

There was lots to celebrate last night, from Catherine's victory at the Great North Run yesterday to welcoming Ammrs to his very first group run - give him a big cheer!

Unfortunately not everything went quite go to plan, as when we turned up to Battersea Park's lovely therapy garden, our task owner for the evening was nowhere to be seen! However, that did not stop us getting to work. After a quick phone call for the code to the shed we got stuck in to a spot of weeding along the paths.

The garden is used as therapy for adults with a variety of conditions such as autism, physical disability, mental ill health and learning difficulties. It also offers various programs such as vocational training and support to enable unemployed disabled Londoners to overcome their barriers to employment and access job opportunities, and helps stroke survivors improve their mental and physical health by working with horticultural therapists. There are workshops for adults whose mental health means they need an environment designed to minimise stress and anxiety and also women only gardening programs.

It may not have seemed like we had loads of big jobs to do while we were there, but with the garden being used for such impactful activities on a day to day basis, helping keep it weed free and welcoming really does make a difference. And we also got to admire the huge courgette flowers and opium poppies!

After half an hour of work we found a nice spot in the park for our fitness session, which last night focused on upper bodies. Our traps, lats, biceps and triceps all got a thorough workout - and we even got joined by a beautiful dog keen to get involved!

It may feel like Autumn is drawing in, but we've got plenty to keep you warm over the coming months! Why not join me for a plog along the river tonight helping collect polluting litter? Next week in Wandsworth we're going back to Paradise cooperative garden and then on Tuesday we have a great task at Trafalgar Square handing out food and sorting donation for rough sleepers. Hope to see you there!

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Dave Clarke
Beth (She/her) signed up to a group run.

Mon 9th Sep at 6:30pm

Beth (She/her) went on a group run

Mon 2nd Sep at 6:30pm

Slugging it out

Wandsworth Report written by Anastasia Hancock (she/her)

Last night, the Wandsworth GoodGym team gathered for our regular monthly visit to Doddington Community Garden. We were thrilled to welcome Nancy on her first group run in Wandsworth. The group loosened up with some light jogging, and dynamic moves, shaking off the day’s stiffness. After a guess at when the first Paralympic Games were held (answer: 1960 in Rome!) we set off, unaware that we were about to be greeted with a very sluggish reaction at the garden!

The run to Doddington Community Garden was a breezy 2km, filled with chatter and upon arrival, Malissa expertly assigned tasks, making sure everyone had a chance to get their hands dirty.

Jordan and Sophie tackled the jungle-like overgrowth, showing those stubborn weeds who was boss. Jasmin, Beth, and Catherine handled the unruly jasmine plant, with Jasmin taming her namesake. Steph and Nancy took on the bindweed, binding it up for good with some serious teamwork. Kevin kept the garden hydrated, ensuring that our leafy friends got a good drink, despite the slugs trying to take them down. Meanwhile Malissa was walking round the garden dispatching every slug and snail she saw with a steely determination. After various jobs, Jason was still on a mission to empty that water butt. The team worked with precision, not letting any slimy distractions slow them down. By the end, Doddington Garden was looking even more tidy and fabulous.

With the main jobs done, the group shifted gears to a fitness session that focused on a intense mountain leg workout designed to replicate a hard hill session. Despite the challenge, everyone pushed through, legs burning but spirits high.

The evening wrapped up with a cool-down jog to the pub, stretching out those hardworking muscles. It was out monthly social featuring our regular pub quiz. Proving that GoodGym Wandsworth isn’t just about physical strength, the team came in a strong 2nd place, showing off their mental muscles too.

Our next Monday session will be at the herb garden in Battersea Park, which will feature even more beautifully scented medicinal plants, and hopefully fewer slugs! You can find out all the details and sign up here.

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Beth (She/her) signed up to a group run.

Mon 2nd Sep at 6:30pm

Jobs at Doddington roof garden!

Come and join us for a great session followed by our monthly social

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Beth (She/her) went on a group run

Mon 12th Aug at 6:30pm

A thin line between love and eight

Wandsworth Report written by Anastasia Hancock (she/her)

Breaking news!

Last night, not only did we turn a whole eight years old, our group session pushed us over the 10 000 good deed mark! What an amazing way to celebrate.

And celebrate we did! On the hottest day of the year, a huge 21 of us met to do good and get fit on the anniversary of our very first group run. It seemed right that we should be going to our own GoodGym garden, a space where we've been growing fruit and veg to donate to the kids program at the theatre.

So after a warm up where we did, you guessed it, 8 reps of various exercises, we went round the group and said what we wanted to do when we grew up when we were 8 years old. Answers ranged from footballer, to two dentists and even Xena Warrier princess!

We set off for the garden, and were delighted to find that there were loads of crops ready to be harvested, including potatoes and some delicious looking kale. We also collected loads of the fallen cooking apples, weeded, staked and strung up our runner beans (appropriate for us!).

The produce we grow will be used to donate to the children's sessions at the theatre, which is run as a charity, and to other community food organisations. We are also repurposing what would otherwise be underused land and increasing biodiversity, so it's a win-win-win situation!

Job done we headed over to the common to play some very silly but hopefully fun ball based fitness games. We started off with human hungry hippos, before testing our squat and reflex skills before having a plank off whilst balancing the balls on our backs. There were some interesting tactics on display and luckily we had the VAR courtesy of Paul to go back and watch game play. Shout out to Kevin and Jordan for collecting the most, with Hugo and Suresh in a close second! In the plank off it came down to six of the strongest cores - well done Catherine, Beth, Hugo, Elif, Sophie and Jasmin!

After all that fun and hard work, it was time to head back to the Omnibus bar for some drinks, chats and incredible food. Everybody outdid themselves with the goodies, but it was Catherine's masterpiece of a cake that had us all talking. It was an amazing creation, and what made it more delicious was that is was baked using blackberries forged from Wandsworth common - what could be more GoodGym than that!

We had a wonderful speech from Jordan, who put what GG means to us all into words better than I could hope to here. So to echo him, there are so many memories we've made over the past 8 years. There have been lots of new faces and we love that our group is welcoming and inclusive. We have achieved so much together and made some beautiful friendships. So here's to the next 8 - and beyond.

Apparently 8 years is a bronze wedding anniversary, but I think every single one of you deserves a gold medal!

Next week we'll be back for more doing good and getting active, when we'll be painting playground planters. Hope to see you there!

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Beth (She/her) signed up to a group run.

Mon 12th Aug at 6:30pm

Beth (She/her) went on a community mission

Mon 5th Aug at 6:45pm

Tree-riffic Tasks at Doddington Rooftop Garden

Wandsworth Report written by Catherine Moore

Last night's GoodGym community mission took us to back to the beautiful Doddington Rooftop Garden, where our dedicated group of volunteers rolled up their sleeves and got stuck into an array of gardening tasks. It was a perfect summer evening, and everyone was eager to make a difference in this lovely community space. We also had the pleasure of welcoming GoodGym newcomer Suresh, and Will and Daisy to their first task with Wandsworth!

With so much to do, our team of 14 split into groups to tackle different tasks. One group focused on moving 4 young trees from the vegetable patch to a different area of the estate, freeing up space and allowing the veg growing there the chance to soak up the nutrients they need, without the greedy trees taking all the good stuff! By the end of the session, the trees were carefully relocated, and the vegetable patch looked ready to thrive. Meanwhile, the rest of the group took on the tasks of clearing grass and raking the group in the veg patches, moving compostable waste and giving the plants a good watering - much needed after the recent dry spell!

The weather was warm and the tasks demanded muscle power (especially hole digging for the trees!) so once the tasks were complete, those who were sticking around for the social were keen to make tracks and enjoy some well earnt refreshments.

After a physical work out in the garden it was time to work out our grey matter, and we headed over to The Latchmere pub for our monthly social event: a lively pub quiz. The group split into two teams and though the questions were as challenging as ever, a lot of fun was had and one team earnt a very respectable joint second place.

Overall, it was another successful Monday night with GoodGym, filled with community spirit, teamwork, and fun. A big thank you to everyone who came along!

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Dave Clarke
Beth (She/her) signed up to a community mission.

Mon 5th Aug at 6:45pm

Beth (She/her) went on a group run

Mon 15th Jul at 6:30pm

A thing of blue-ty is a joy forever

Wandsworth Report written by Anastasia Hancock (she/her)

If only the skies had been as blue as the paint job we did last night!

We started off the evening dry as a bone, and even though the gathering clouds were ominous, we were looking forward to an inside task. There may have been a little bit of disappointment for some in the air after the football the night before but we were cheered up with a flying visit from a friend - great to have you back for a session Jack!

The theme of the evening was positivity (especially given the prospect of our margs and margs social later on that evening), so after our warm up we each told the group something that gives us a little lift. Answers included sugar, gin, ringing a friend, yoga, coffee and entering a race - which I think is a very good range!

We set off for the ROSE clubroom, a space which is the home to lots of important resources for local people, including free workshops, classes and meals, a community engagement group, local clean ups sessions and events for children.

When we arrived we found the place already set up and ready to go, and we were delighted to see that rather than refreshing white walls with more white paint as we usually do, we had a major colour transformation ahead of us. Grabbing our brushes, masking tape and rollers, we set about changing the colour scheme from a browny purple to a fabulous bright blue!

During the course of the evening there was plenty of Changing Rooms v 30 Minute Makeover chat, remembering Smiley Carol and all the transformations that didn't quite go to plan! Luckily the new colour at the community centre was universally approved of, and we managed to successfully get the first coat on relatively quickly. We were on a roll(er)! We'll be back in a couple of weeks to do the other sections of wall.

We were just having our group photo taken and finishing up the last of the clearing up when the skies darkened even more and there came the sound of thunder rumbling. The next thing we knew the heavens had opened. We stood under cover for a few minutes discussing what to do, but it was showing no signs of stopping. There was nothing for it but to bite the bullet and head into the storm. The rain spurred us on to a nice fast run back to base and we were back in record time. Or perhaps it was the prospect of margarita pizzas and cocktails at a local bar? Who knows!

Next week we're back at a local community garden which is being reopened to the public after being shut since lockdown. It would be great to see you there!

We've also started weekly Sunday morning sessions helping out with the junior parkrun in Battersea Park. It's a really great event helping get young people active, so if you'd like to join in the fun then please sign up here.

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Dave Clarke
