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Block or report Chris Tucker Mear
Tuesday 23rd April
Chris Tucker Mear (he/him/his) has done their first good deed with GoodGym.
Chris is a now a fully fledged GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the first time. They are out there making amazing things happen and getting fit at the same time.
Tue 23rd Apr at 6:30pm
Exeter Report written by Craig Barber (He/him)
Tonight 5 GoodGymers were back at Belle Isle, our first visit here since the winter. We were back to carry on the wildflower project, doing an hour of some pretty heavy-going turf moving.
We also had a new member join us tonight, a big hello and well done to Chris, we hope you had a fun session with us!
Wed 24th Apr at 7:25pm
Thanks for the warm welcome! I’ll have to miss the next one thanks to work, but I’ll be back as soon as I can.
Tuesday 23rd April
Chris Tucker Mear (he/him/his) connected Strava.
Chris has got Strava connected. Strava is a great way to track your progress.
Tuesday 23rd April
Chris Tucker Mear (he/him/his) connected Twitter.
Chris has connected up their twitter account to GoodGym. Find them on twitter at: www.twitter.com/chrismear
Tue 23rd Apr at 6:30pm