Fernanda Huerta


Good Deeds

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Doing good since March 2021

Verification in progress

0 Month Streak

Verification in progress

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Not done a group run this month

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Community Cape
GoodGym Runner


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Latest activity
Fernanda Huerta
Fernanda Huerta went on a community mission

Thu 26th Jan 2023 at 11:00am

More progress

Lewisham Report written by Fernanda Huerta

the place is starting to take shape and things are falling into place. more painting done and arraging some of the furniture

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Jacqueline FrancisSam Lefevre
Fernanda Huerta
Fernanda Huerta signed up to a community mission.

Thu 26th Jan 2023 at 11:00am

Fernanda Huerta
Fernanda Huerta went on a community mission

Tue 24th Jan 2023 at 11:00am

Adding colour

Lewisham Report written by Fernanda Huerta

Fleur was very friendly and gave options on what I could help with. It was a nice task to do. The space is big so a lot of people can help at the same time.

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Sam Lefevre
Fernanda Huerta
Fernanda Huerta signed up to a community mission.

Tue 24th Jan 2023 at 11:00am

Fernanda Huerta
Fernanda Huerta earned their community cape by completing their first community mission. 🥇

Tuesday 18th May 2021

Community Cape

Community Cape

Fernanda Huerta earned their community cape by completing their first community mission.

Fernanda completed a community mission. Instead of watching TV or lying in bed, Fernanda was out there making their community a better place to be. For making that choice they have earned the community cape.

Fernanda Huerta
Fernanda Huerta has done their first good deed with GoodGym. 🎉

Tuesday 18th May 2021

GoodGym Runner

GoodGym Runner

Fernanda Huerta has done their first good deed with GoodGym.

Fernanda is a now a fully fledged GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the first time. They are out there making amazing things happen and getting fit at the same time.

Fernanda Huerta
Fernanda Huerta went on a community mission

Tue 18th May 2021 at 9:00am

Ian Gostling
Fernanda Huerta
Fernanda Huerta signed up to a community mission.

Tue 18th May 2021 at 9:00am

Fernanda Huerta
Fernanda Huerta been Mission Verified. 🤩

Thursday 18th March 2021



Fernanda Huerta been Mission Verified.

Congratulations to Fernanda who is now Mission Verified. They're now ready to start running GoodGym missions to help older people and running alone to community mission. Give Fernanda a cheer to kickstart their mission running career.