Georgie Turner


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Georgie Turner
Georgie Turner has done their first good deed with GoodGym. 🤩

Monday 13th May

GoodGym Runner

GoodGym Runner

Georgie Turner has done their first good deed with GoodGym.

Georgie is a now a fully fledged GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the first time. They are out there making amazing things happen and getting fit at the same time.

Georgie Turner
Georgie Turner went on a group run

Mon 13th May at 6:45pm

Muchas Grassy-Ass

Richmond Report written by Anita (she/her)

Twas a green, grassy and glorious Richmond Group Run, with runners, walkers and cyclists gracing our sponsored plots in Buccleuch Gardens, Richmond for a spot of evening weeding.

It was a task of two grassy halves. Starting at the Arcade everyone dropped to ground level and used cutlery knives to lever out plantains from the Arcade lawn. Hunter was definitely not the only one assuming a downwood dog position.

At the Three Pigeons Plot , the weeding was reversed with the main aim removing unwanted grass. Thankfully, this was somewhat easier and more dignified.

Welcome newcomers Georgie and Naomi who proved to be naturals at plantain pulling and grass busting . A shout out for Teresa who achieved a perfect 10 for her work clearing around the bollard at The Three pigeons. And we were all in awe and wish the very best of luck to our run leader and area activator Liz who revealed she has qualified for the Hyrox World Championships in Nice in June.

Gorgeous flowers spotted but not identified during the task included Veronica (spike speedwell), a compact perennial with a spike of pink flowers and purple Centaurea, a perennial cornflower with vivid, heliotrope purple, thistle-like petals.

Muchas Gracias to The Tap Tavern for allowing us to stow bags and for hosting our monthly social after the Group Run.

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Richmond runner

Tue 14th May at 8:39am

Beautiful report. Thank you Anita


Tue 14th May at 12:04pm

Sorry to miss it. Looks like it was a good one!

Georgie Turner
Georgie Turner signed up to a group run.

Mon 13th May at 6:45pm