Hannah Emery


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Hannah Emery
Hannah Emery went on a group run

Wed 6th Feb 2019 at 6:30pm

How to build a thatched roof in 45 minutes!

Chelmsford Report written by Chelmsford runner

OK, the title is a stretched slightly to what we actually did, but more of that a bit later.

Thirteen runners met at the Uni and we welcomed Anton for his first group run with Julie and Hannah on their second runs. We had a quick chat about forthcoming races that will soon be upon us in March, Cambridge Half (Laurie), Colchester Half (Rich, Gerry) Brentwood Half (Joel, James G) running these events. Encouragement was given to entering our local Baddow 10 miles on May 19th with a good Goodgym showing. https://baddowraces.co.uk/

Our task was back at Interact, so we set off with some warm-up exercises along the thoroughfare of the campus. James G led the group with Rachel as back marker, a quick bunch of squats while we waited for the traffic lights to change by the Police Station (they seem to take such a long time to change :) ) We gathered together at the top of the pedestrian high street and split into two mixed groups to do caterpillar shuttle runs with the change over on my whistle blast. It's important to keep an even pace so the person sprinting from the back has a good workout but isn't worn out trying to get to the front! Great efforts from everyone and good control at the front. Arriving at Interact we were met by Susie who explained for the benefit of Anton what fantastic work they do with young people at the centre. Susie also explained what the task was tonight which was cutting down some overgrown ivy that hand completely swamped an out building. The plan is to use this out building as secure storage. The ivy completely covered the walls and roof so we were asked to cut it down from the roof line to the ground. Catherine and Rachel grabbed the wheelbarrows, Hannah, Jennifer, Andy, Joseph, James G, Julie, Laurie took loppers, secateurs and started to tackle chopping back and revealing a brick building. In the meantime, David, James C and Anton went inside the main house to move some furniture to other rooms.

Once the chopping back had been done, it looked as if we had created a building with a perfect "thatched roof" ! Time then for a quick drink and a biscuit or two, then we headed back to the Uni via the high street.

Great running and task by everyone involved tonight.

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James ConnollyDavid Chatterjee
Hannah Emery
Hannah Emery signed up to a group run.

Wed 6th Feb 2019 at 6:30pm

Gardening task for Interact

Helping others by doing good deeds in the community.

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Hannah Emery
Hannah Emery has done their first good deed with GoodGym. 🤩

Wednesday 30th January 2019

GoodGym Runner

GoodGym Runner

Hannah Emery has done their first good deed with GoodGym.

Hannah is a now a fully fledged GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the first time. They are out there making amazing things happen and getting fit at the same time.

David Chatterjee
Hannah Emery
Hannah Emery went on a group run

Wed 30th Jan 2019 at 6:30pm

TUNE in , CHILL out and drop some BISCUITS

Chelmsford Report written by Rich Walker

Hi All,

First of all a massive hello and welcome to Hannah and Julie on their first ever Goodgym runs with us. Especially on such a cold night when i wouldn't put it against you to stay home in the warm, you decided to come out and try something new. Hope you enjoyed it as much as we did and hope to see you again soon.

As i said, it was a particularly cold night but we met in the now re-opened ARU gym for a catch up and chat before heading into the night.

Tonights task was at our good friends InterAct , where they had some indoor tasks for us .. ( YAY!! INDOORS )

After a warm up we journeyed alone the high street and then ran along the river until we reached InterAct and Susie waiting for us. We huddled inside and warmed up as Susie explained to us about what InterAct does and how we and groups like us help them achieve the things that are vital to them.

Tonight she had 2 jobs for us, first was to clean out two fridges and the other was to move some radio equipment out of a box room and do a stock take.

As per usual , no sooner had Susie explained the task then everyone had jumped to it. Catherine Jenny Rachel and Joseph had gloves on and sponges in hands and ready to start cleaning. The rest of us moved upstairs and after some hide and seek from Laurie we set up a chain gang headed by Joel and quickly moved things out of the box room and into the games room. In fact we did such a good job and were finished so quick that Susie had said that she eventually wanted it moved to the building next door. So we formed a new chain gang and moved all of it down stairs . Then all took something over to the moulsham mill and up to the 3rd floor. Something that for one person would have taken most of the day, and thats what you bring guys. You help people like Susie be able to focus on the things they need to focus on and get all these little jobs done and out of the way so a big Thank you ** and **WELL DONE from myself and Susie.

Unfortunately this ment that the fartlek session i had planned would happen tonight ( don't worry , it will happen in the future ...i promise )

After the always welcome biscuits and drinks we posed for a group photo and set off back to base saying goodbye to Fay and James along the way.

we arrived back and stretched off and discussed the next social . it will be on the 8th Feb at 19:30 at the new Buffet in the Bond Street shopping area of Chelmsford.

Again, a big thank you and well done to all who came tonight. Its great knowing that on a dark cold January evening we can get 14 people to spend their time helping others and have some fun along the way.

As always #RunHappy


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David Chatterjee
Hannah Emery
Hannah Emery signed up to a group run.

Wed 30th Jan 2019 at 6:30pm

A visit to InterAct

Helping to make space in the Aspire Centre.

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