Isla Cooper


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Latest activity
Isla Cooper
Isla Cooper signed up to a mission.

Sun 19th Jun 2022 at 10:00am

Bed removal for Miss P

Miss P will be happy to see a tidy bedroom.

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Isla Cooper
Isla Cooper signed up to a community mission.

Mon 12th Jul 2021 at 6:30pm

First big Summer litter-pick in Meath Gardens

We come with gloves, bin liners and litter-pickers...We mean BUSINESS.

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Isla Cooper
Isla Cooper signed up to a training session.

Mon 12th Jul 2021 at 7:30pm

Mondays at Meath: Face-to-face fitness session

Aaand it's BACK. We take our glutes to the grass to get in summer shape.

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Isla Cooper
Isla Cooper signed up to a training session.

Mon 7th Jun 2021 at 7:45pm

Mondays at Meath: Face-to-face fitness session

This week we're back to the resistance bands. With a bit of running.

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Isla Cooper
Isla Cooper signed up to a training session.

Mon 24th May 2021 at 7:45pm

Mondays at Meath: Face-to-face fitness session

This week it's all about the resistance bands...

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Isla Cooper
Isla Cooper went on a training session

Mon 26th Apr 2021 at 7:30pm

Band and Deliver

Tower Hamlets Report written by Laura Williams

There was chat, there was running, there was a pre-training task... Yep, it was Monday night at Meath Gardens.

All the regulars!

What a lovely turnout. A full list of sign-ups arrived at the fallen tree in huge Meath Gardens, an oasis nestled away behind bustling Roman Road.

We welcomed back Task Force member Kat, who'd flung herself right back in at the deep end, co-leading tonight's task at Hollybush with Becky. A supersquad no less.

And so we gathered in our favourite semi-circle with mats, resistance bands, music and a blue, blue sky.

What we did...

We ran to the basketball court a couple of times ("Maybe 3/10 intensity on the way there, and, say 7/10 on the way back?"); enjoyed some static stretches, dynamic stretches, and a core set-up, before running through top-to-toe moves with our looped resistance bands.

We finished with the greyhound-and-hare speed game, perfected by Simon who did the best hare impression, even after a sprint finish.

Shout-outs of shout-outs

Thanks to Becky and Kat for top task-leading, and to Becky for leading the run from Hollybush; to Jess and Simon for being our speedy, fun, courageous hares, and to the whole crew in general for committing, showing up, welcoming one another, and just being living, breathing Team Spirit.

See you in a fortnight!

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Laura Williams
Isla Cooper
Isla Cooper signed up to a training session.

Mon 26th Apr 2021 at 7:30pm

Mondays at Meath: Running-and-resistance-band workout

Our Monday night series continues! This week: another optional pre-workout run!

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Isla Cooper
Isla Cooper went on a training session

Mon 19th Apr 2021 at 7:30pm

Flex and the City

Tower Hamlets Report written by Laura Williams

Back together again...

A lovely sized group headed to our favourite Meath Gardens this evening for our Monday night fitness session.

We arrived in dribs and drabs: some came straight to Meath; others arrived from our Monday night task at Hollybush, thanks to fabulous task-and-run-leading by Leo.

Show us your moves

Tonight's movement menu consisted of a couple of running drills, to work on hip drive and hip mobility; some standing balance-and-core moves, before a tough little lower body/upper body/core circuit.

We finished with our favourite grey-and-hare relay-esque speed game before some fiddly-but-effective stretches.

Pat on the back.

Well done to everyone who showed up and ploughed through all this content. It's lovely to learn how to be together in a group once again, with a little small talk and a lot of strength work.

Shout outs tonight to Joanna, our wonderful Task Owner from favourite Meath Gardens who we saw on her way home! And who took some fab aerial pics of us working out.

...While shout-out of the night goes to Leo, who didn't miss a beat when picking up our first group run baton, taking both the good-sized team to Hollybush, navigating a picturesque canal run, all before devouring 45 mins of fiery fitness moves.

Thanks for a lovely evening, everyone. Until next week.

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Laura Williams
Isla Cooper
Isla Cooper signed up to a training session.

Mon 19th Apr 2021 at 7:30pm

Mondays at Meath: Floor-and-Core (face-to-face fitness session)

Our Monday night series continues! This week: optional pre-workout run!

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Laura Williams
Isla Cooper
Isla Cooper cheered by other people 25 times. 😎

Monday 12th April 2021



Isla Cooper cheered by other people 25 times.

Isla is part of a crowd that's making a huge noise. Isla has been cheered by 25 people - that's a round of applause just on their own. We hope they keep it up.
