Jennie Bennet


Good Deeds

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Doing good since May 2021

Community Cape
GoodGym Runner


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Jennie Bennet
Jennie Bennet went on a community mission

Sun 13th Jun 2021 at 10:00am

Good seed for the day

Windsor and Maidenhead Report written by Windsor and Maidenhead runner

Jennie and Amanda were very enthusiastic for GoodGym's first task for Age Concern Windsor at the Spencer Denny Centre about a mile from Windsor town centre. It was trowel and error as they worked out how to use the trimmer but they didn't moss around chopping the long grass down to size. Never a dill moment, they hacked quite hard until the they could eventually tackle it with a lawnmower.

Jennie demonstrated she was definitely not a one trick peony and used her gardening expertise to help the team to distinguish between weeds and flowers.

The team did a great job but there is still more to do to help this wonderful community so we will be back another thyme to help paint, plant and tidy.

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Amy L GoodGym
Amy L GoodGym (she/her)

Sun 13th Jun 2021 at 9:26pm

Well done both of you and top marks for a puntastic report! 😂

Tara Isherwood

Sun 13th Jun 2021 at 9:51pm

Very good report ☺️ well done, it must have been hot work!

Jess Smith

Sun 13th Jun 2021 at 9:55pm

Well done and awesome report!! 🤣

Jennie Bennet
Jennie Bennet went on a community mission

Thu 10th Jun 2021 at 12:00pm

When the chips are down...

Windsor and Maidenhead Report written by Amy L GoodGym (she/her)

When the chips are down...put some more down! That may not be how the saying normally goes, but it worked for us at Sutherland Grange today. Being on the floodplain, the paths in this lovely RBWM-managed nature reserve can get very muddy. Today was our second session helping to layer wood chip over a particular stretch of path to help keep it accessible when wetter weather comes. It was great to see our task owner Jason again and he kindly got stuck into the task alongside us.

Today's weather was sunny and muggy, so it was hot work shoveling wood chip into wheelbarrows and ferrying it along the path, but it was very satisfying seeing our progress barrow by barrow and metre by metre and we weren't too hot to enjoy easy conversation about who had lived where and good books for 6 year olds...

A few special mentions are in order for today. Firstly happy birthday to Amanda! We were honoured that you chose to spend part of your special day with GoodGym. Hopefully after shovelling wood chip with us you moved on to shovelling cake!

Secondly a very warm welcome to Jennie and Tessa, who both came to their first GoodGym session today. It was great to see you and we hope you enjoyed spades!

Finally Zen garden master Juli...we knew you were good at gardening, but your prowess with the rake was second to none! Stationed at the path end of the operation, Juli raked the woodchip into such a lovely smooth path she had Jason swooning. Thank you also for joining me for a run afterwards.

Great work everyone!

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Jennie Bennet
Jennie Bennet earned their community cape by completing their first community mission. 🤩

Saturday 5th June 2021

Community Cape

Community Cape

Jennie Bennet earned their community cape by completing their first community mission.

Jennie completed a community mission. Instead of watching TV or lying in bed, Jennie was out there making their community a better place to be. For making that choice they have earned the community cape.

Jennie Bennet
Jennie Bennet has done their first good deed with GoodGym. 😎

Saturday 5th June 2021

GoodGym Runner

GoodGym Runner

Jennie Bennet has done their first good deed with GoodGym.

Jennie is a now a fully fledged GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the first time. They are out there making amazing things happen and getting fit at the same time.

Jennie Bennet
Jennie Bennet signed up to a community mission.

Sat 5th Jun 2021 at 3:00pm

BioBlitz with Wild Eton Wick

Help create a snapshot of biodiversity around St John the Baptist Church

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Jennie Bennet
Jennie Bennet signed up to a community mission.

Sun 13th Jun 2021 at 10:00am

Gardening for Age Concern Windsor

Tidy up the garden at the Spencer Denney Centre

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Jennie Bennet
Jennie Bennet signed up to a community mission.

Thu 10th Jun 2021 at 12:00pm