

Good Deeds

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Doing good since April 2017

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Mission Possible
GoodGym Runner
Mission accomplished


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Lisa signed up to a race.

Sun 4th Mar 2018 at 9:00am

The Big Half

Run your first half marathon with GoodGym and the Big Half

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Lisa completed their first weekend mission. 🤩

Saturday 28th October 2017

Mission Possible

Mission Possible

Lisa completed their first weekend mission.

Lisa has forgone the usual weekend routine. Instead of lie-ins, roasts and strolls around the park Lisa has dropped everything to run a GoodGym mission for someone who needed help. Respect

Beth Hoskins
Beth Hoskins (She/her) went on a mission

Sat 28th Oct 2017 at 3:00pm

Ivy never seen such a full bin

Southwark Report written by Beth Hoskins (She/her)

Lisa and I met at Mr B’s house to finish off the mammoth task of clearing his back garden. Having had previous visits from other GoodGymers over the past few months Mr B has seen a huge change in his garden. What was once inaccessible is now almost completely cleared. Our job was to finish moving a pile of twigs and roots to the wheelie bin at the front of the house. With help from Mr B and 40 minutes of work the bin was full and we said our goodbyes.

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NykoletteJames Gilbert
Paul BeckerConroy
Lisa signed up to a mission.

Sat 28th Oct 2017 at 3:00pm

Tidy the garden for Mr B

So that he can get outside again

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Bristol runner went on a mission

Sun 10th Sep 2017 at 10:30am

Just another squeaky Sunday

Bristol Report written by Charlene

Ms P needed some help in her garden so that she feels less stressed about her home. The tasks that Dave and Charlene got straight into were general weeding and tidying of small garden.

Dave became good friends with a pair of shears, to which made an intrusive small tree/bush being cut back. Charlene got busy with some creative talents to moving some pots around the garden, making some new snails friends and giving it a new lease of life by potting some winter pansies ready to welcome the autumn.

Ms P loved the hard work that they did and was ever so grateful for the tidying and the new view of the garden!

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Paul BeckerFiona Lewis
Frances Powrie
Lisa signed up to a mission.

Sun 10th Sep 2017 at 10:30am

Finish the garden for Mr B

So that he feels like his home is back in order.

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