Madeleine Bell


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Madeleine Bell
Madeleine Bell has done their first good deed with GoodGym. 😎

Tuesday 13th November 2018

GoodGym Runner

GoodGym Runner

Madeleine Bell has done their first good deed with GoodGym.

Madeleine is a now a fully fledged GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the first time. They are out there making amazing things happen and getting fit at the same time.

Pauline HarrisonAmy Hughes
Madeleine Bell
Madeleine Bell went on a group run

Mon 12th Nov 2018 at 6:30pm

The Toilet Brush

Liverpool Report written by Char Binns

This fabulous 13 ran over 4km to add a fresh coat of paint at a children's centre in L8.

First, some news and reminders. The best way to stay active over the winter is to set yourself a challenge in spring. Let me present... the Liverpool Half Marathon and 10 Miler! Join GoodGymers from Lambeth and all over the country right here in our glorious city. I know each and every one of you is capable :) The second date for your diary is Sunday 16 December, when we'll have our Christmas jolly. More details soon, but sign-up here.

Right, back to last night's run. The route to the Greenhouse Project is a steady 2km and the whole team kept a good pace, meaning we made it in good time. Our task was to paint the centre's kitchen, accessible toilet and part of the hallway. Mat also took it on himself to sweep the front path.

As well as managing a good paint job in just 35 minutes, the challenge also involved carefully maneuvering around each other in very small spaces, including what looked like a game of "how many GoodGymers can you fit in a toilet". But as usual, this dream team rose to the challenge and the task was complete in no time.

This week's shout out goes to Amy for bringing new housemates along every week and for signing up to the Liverpool Half Marathon. You go girl!

It was also fab to be joined by GG Bournemouth member Stephanie and newbies Dom and Maddie. You did great!

We took a different route back to base with included a quick game of follow-the-leader through the park, and some bonus squats. Brilliant work GoodGym Liverpool, you're the best!

Next week we've got a longer run (around 8km in total) and a really worthwhile new task. Check out the details and sign-up here.

Until then, happy running, Char <3

P.S. Kudos to George for the title pun!

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Pauline HarrisonAmy HughesSam Knott

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Tav (he/him)

Tue 13th Nov 2018 at 11:19am

How many did you fit in the toilet?🤔

Char Binns

Tue 13th Nov 2018 at 11:35am

Hey Tav, well we managed 4 plus brushes, paint and rollers but with out the wet paint, I reckon the whole team would have given it a go!

Madeleine Bell
Madeleine Bell signed up to a group run.

Mon 12th Nov 2018 at 6:30pm

Pauline Harrison