Ryan Prince


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Ryan Prince
Ryan Prince went on a group run

Wed 21st Aug 2024 at 6:45pm


Newham Report written by Brahma Pochee

Swansong session yesterday, with a tremendous turnout of some of my favourite people, a lovely conclusion to a job that gave me so much.

It transpired that I've run out of Random Weekly Questions, trying to refrain from a deeper enquiry about change or anything of the tear-jerking variety, hence I was blank; so we rolled a positive and somewhat sentimental question: "Favourite GoodGym organisation ?" Turns out there were loads, no clear winner, an indication of how broad our church is and how many remarkable local projects there are.

I then proceeded to say a few words, delving into what GoodGym has given me. For those who know me know that discussing and interrogating my emotions isn't what I consider a night out, I'm a huge advocate for the dated practice of bottling things up, but the occasion was worthy.

To reiterate what I may have mumbled, I'm mostly grateful for the lifelong friendships, enforced by the experiences of volunteering, running, British weather, travelling, racing and drinking. With a special nod to a lovely couple, whose relationship was forged by a series of Wednesday evening connections. Proud, for the impact we have had on the locality, the number of messages I get saying "how amazing your volunteers are". Equally, proud for the transformational change many of you have undergone through running. Loss, because I will miss you all. But I always end with this positive feeling; I think because it's now left in a very capable set of hands; arise Task Force.

Amongst this milestone, we did actually do some good yesterday, in the form of my least favourite task, flyering. The morale was high, so it was hit easily absorbed. With the return of some long-serving sisters, Mel and Ruth (and later Charlotte), it felt like 2019 again, what a treat to see you, appreciate the effort to come. With big numbers comes big effect, and we managed to get our flyering done in no time, leaving many moments to loiter and talk curb-side.

With the realisation I can't summarise nor do justice to my thoughts on my tenure, I'll wrap this up now. But not after a huge thanks to my lovely photo-book compilation.

It's not bye, but see you later.

Till next time,


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Thu 22nd Aug 2024 at 4:23pm

Thanks for all you have done for us….unwavering support and encouragement


Thu 22nd Aug 2024 at 4:23pm

will miss seeing you every Wednesday but will keep you updated on any trips xx

Redbridge runner

Wed 28th Aug 2024 at 1:55pm

all the best for your next adventure!

Jack Da Silva

Thu 29th Aug 2024 at 5:45pm

All the best Brahma, stay in touch!

Ryan Prince
Ryan Prince went on a group run

Wed 14th Aug 2024 at 6:45pm

Elimination Laps

Newham Report written by Brahma Pochee

The Fitness Session; some love it, some reluctantly oblige and some detest it, but we all get a physiological boost, and a dose of endorphines not found on an easy social jog, you got to earn that buzz baby.

We booted off proceedings with an ice breaker in the form "shite inventions?" inspired by a wifi secure tap I came across, what in the thames-water-tech-hell is that about? Non-waterproof plasters, command strips, hotel chocolates, hotel towels, hotel mini-mugs, wide section bike racks, two-tier bike racks and the plethora of iphone chargers.

We jogged down to the little park, or Three Mills Park, as Rosa corrected me, where we were to explore multiple running paces in the sticky evening air. 8 laps, about ninety second recovery after each - and an objective to only get faster. With a 4 rep practise, then an elimination for the second half to put some skin in the game.

Early reps nice and comfy, got a bit punchy by rep 2/3, before tapping back into a more reserved flow, and then cranking up the heat on the final 3. A great session that lends itself to a fast last lap, exactly where our man Euge muscled past me with tremendous power, where everyone dug in and nailed the finish. And a hats off to the Princes who kept the circuits alive energetically in the rest period.

Next week we head to Cody Dock, as you all know it's my last session, so I look forward to raising a glass to you; for making my job so damn easy, for transforming your neighbourhood and for some quality craic.

Till then,


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Ryan Prince
Ryan Prince went on a group run

Wed 24th Jul 2024 at 6:45pm

Just Let That Sink In

Newham Report written by Brahma Pochee

Good squad out again yesterday, with Rebecca back from over the pond, Ryan making a special gust appearance for a hatrick of Princes and the newly engaged Dimple getting stuck into some celebratory landscaping. Nice.

But first, for those who made it to the Print House, we were presented with an RWQ of much scope; "What's the most anticlimactic or over-billed thing?" New Years Eve (no one's disagreeing with that), Taylor Swift (some might disagree with this), a Paint Ball competitor (niche info win), McDonalds (my answer was anticlimactic in itself), Endinburgh Xmas Fare (plausible) and this weeks winner...Art (all of it, but with a nod to new stuff).

Our numbers increased at Abbey Gardens, where we met the supple trio who had just done some yoga on site. Fully limbered up to work on levelling the ground for the greenhouse, laying the timbers and stones, clearing the weeds, and sorting the dead hedge. It also included a date with an unpredictable and stiff sink that we had to wedge in and out of position with a well-synchronised display of muscle. All in an eve's work for East London's premier do-good and get-fit outfit.

Next week we whip down the Romford to assist Super Sybil with the gardens (probably), she's upset we weren't there last week as we had some crossed wires, so get me out of trouble with a big number showing of GG grunt please. Sign up here

Till next week,


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Ryan Prince
Ryan Prince signed up to a group run.

Wed 24th Jul 2024 at 6:45pm

Ryan Prince
Ryan Prince went on a group run

Wed 22nd May 2024 at 6:45pm

Ryan Prince
Ryan Prince signed up to a group run.

Wed 22nd May 2024 at 6:45pm

Cody Dock

Do good - Get fit

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Ryan Prince
Ryan Prince done a 6 month mission streak. 🎉

Saturday 6th March 2021

Ethan Hunt

Ethan Hunt

Ryan Prince done a 6 month mission streak.

Ryan just completed a six month streak of doing missions. That’s so many bags of garden rubbish cleared and jobs done to help someone out and put a smile on their face. Give Ryan a cheer to encourage them to keep up the good work.


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Sun 7th Mar 2021 at 11:04am

Congratulations Ryan

Ryan Prince
Ryan Prince went on a community mission

Sat 6th Mar 2021 at 10:00am

Packing a punch in the fight against homelessness

Newham Report written by Penelope Terras

Stock checking and wrapping pallets in clingfilm ready for clothes to go into storage was a good team effort. Most novel and fun was using the pallet trolley.

Thank you Penny

A message from Sharon Was a pleasure to lead this task. Was a suprise to get the message that Crisis needed more help as had previously been told our mission was complete and Richard had the help he needed for final sort and packing. It seems Richard was let down but he knew who to call !.

Hilary,Chris and Graham arrived first and set to work packing away the last off the office stationary and repairing the door on a mobile library.

Kevin and I arrived and after a quick catch up with Richard he set us to work sorting out the boxes and bags of clothes......so many boxes with various items of clothes that needed to be counted,boxed,labelled,stack and wrapped. Thankfully Penelope arrived to give us a hand closely followed by Aine and Jennifer

After lunch Ryan joined the gang (yes a Prince family outing) along with Hilary and Graham who had the stationary sorted.

Was great team work to get the boxes sorted and stacked,hopefully with the final push from the Sunday Mission all the clothes with be stacked and wrapped ready to go in storage ready for Crisis at Christmas 2021

Congratulations to Jennifer and Ryan on completing a 6 month mission streak and Kevin on a 12 month streak

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