Saturday 6th March 2021
Report written by Penelope Terras
Stock checking and wrapping pallets in clingfilm ready for clothes to go into storage was a good team effort. Most novel and fun was using the pallet trolley.
Thank you Penny
A message from Sharon Was a pleasure to lead this task. Was a suprise to get the message that Crisis needed more help as had previously been told our mission was complete and Richard had the help he needed for final sort and packing. It seems Richard was let down but he knew who to call !.
Hilary,Chris and Graham arrived first and set to work packing away the last off the office stationary and repairing the door on a mobile library.
Kevin and I arrived and after a quick catch up with Richard he set us to work sorting out the boxes and bags of many boxes with various items of clothes that needed to be counted,boxed,labelled,stack and wrapped. Thankfully Penelope arrived to give us a hand closely followed by Aine and Jennifer
After lunch Ryan joined the gang (yes a Prince family outing) along with Hilary and Graham who had the stationary sorted.
Was great team work to get the boxes sorted and stacked,hopefully with the final push from the Sunday Mission all the clothes with be stacked and wrapped ready to go in storage ready for Crisis at Christmas 2021
Congratulations to Jennifer and Ryan on completing a 6 month mission streak and Kevin on a 12 month streak