We Love Gardening Tasks Big Thyme !!

4 Goodgymers helped their local community in Lambeth
Tilly Baker Hine
Michael Welsh
Frances Collier-Wright
1 / 4

Tuesday 7th November 2023





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Report written by Yianny (he / him)

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Let's talk about last night! It was a perfect crisp evening for a run and physical task - the quintessential GG as we called it.

Michael, Tilly and AA Yianny met at Papa's for the 2.5km jog and discovered that we had our meeting room back which was welcome given the chilly temperature outside. We set off in good time and good spirits through a quieter than usual Brixton, heading to meet Caroline down at Jennie Lee Garden.

Frances cycled to the task directly and met us there as we headed in for a briefing and to pick up tools.

Despite a couple of shovels having gone missing we had two barrows and 3 shovels, just enough to ensure plenty of relays from the 1 tonne top soil bags to the planters in the gardens which needed filling. By ten past eight we were packing up having filled one planter ready for today's gardening session where many older patients will be outside getting some fresh air and learning how to plant lots of herbs and vegetables.

We set off with a sense of achievement after a very pleasant task so thank you to Ed and to Caroline for hosting us and coming out in the cold!

Once back at Papa's Michael was discussing the upcoming London Jazz festival and conversation turned to the Tokyo Jazz scene and from there it was a light hop to one of AA's favourite authors Haruki Murakami. If you're a fan then you already know ;0) but if you haven't come across his work I recommend you dive in!

Thanks all and see you next time!

This task supported
Lambeth GP Food Coop
Creating green spaces in health centres

This group creates growing spaces in surgeries and hospitals across Lambeth for plants and vegetables.

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