Come rain or high water: Dawson's Heights planters are filled!

10 Goodgymers helped their local community in Southwark
Tony Evans
Maria Kostoulia
Alex Bowring
Isaac Beevor
Nathan Wood
Daryl Shaw
Emma McNally
Sam Lefevre
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Wednesday 22nd May 2024

Maria Kostoulia
Maria Kostoulia



Southwark runner


Emma McNally
Emma McNally


Sam Lefevre
Sam Lefevre



Southwark runner


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Report written by Sam Lefevre (he/him)

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"I promise it will stop raining as soon as we start the run"...

On a Wednesday evening in late May, one would expect it to be raining cats and dogs all day, but the forecast was set for it to stop at 19:00... ๐Ÿ‘€

Arriving early to get change and open Old Spike, Sam spotted Paulin outside the Georgian wine bar having just ordered a coffee and pastry. He was thankful that everyone that signed up started to show their face despite the rain howling it down. Nathan was back from his Central American adventures and it was great to see Alex and Tony who hadn't been around for some time. Maria, Isaac and drenched Daryl arrived all before 18:45, so Sam got going with his speech and his ice-breaker question first which was to do with Cultural Diversity Day the day before: "What culture, that is not your own, do you appreciate or are obsessed with?"

Many chose European cultures like Italian and French, but we had some Mexican, Japanese, Mauri and thinking outside the box, coffee and drinking/pub culture.

When it rains, it pours

Seeing that the Green was wet and uncut, Sam opted for the warm-up to be done in the alleyway as he proceeded to lead the group out and down along Peckham Rye park, cut onto Dunstan's Road before we all took our time to run up Overhill and then Underhill Roads. Thanks to Maria for backmarking. It all started off dry with a pause in the rain, but as we rushed up that hill the taps were turned on again.

We met James who cycled and Emma who walked from her house viewings with Ellie and the residents of Dawson's Heights. It was great to see Ellie again after months away and we were here to start on a project that was planned for last summer. The planters were already established from earlier in the week by Dentsu. Our task for tonight was to fill these planters with compost. Ellie had 40 out of the 90 bags, delivered earlier in the week, in her garage. The team all went over to work in pairs to haul them from the garage to the community garden space (about 20-25 metres) away utilising their sheer strength and a couple of sack trucks. This was all happening whilst Sam was putting on some mixed tunes and Maria opted to help with drilling holes in the planters to ensure there is drainage.

Once the team brought out the 40 bags, we filled the planters with the compost in minutes! Noticing that we still had 10 minutes left despite the rain bashing our bodies, we helped the residents re-plant herbs, fruits and veg whist James and Nathan sowed seeds hoping for squash and courgettes to grow, but expecting a giant bean stalk...

We ended the session with a quick weeding and pruning near the forest to ensure the berry trees could stand a chance to grow whilst Sam prepared gingerbread biscuit/cake that he brought back from his travels in Grasmere over the weekend. Breaking up the 6 big pieces of gingerbread into smaller sharable chunks, everyone enjoyed the delicacy of this famous little shop in Cumbria, but none other so than James.

After a quick group photo and our goodbyes, we took in the views from Dawson's Hill before rushing off downhill for a quick stretch and impromptu drinks at Nags Head.

Thank You to all the GG-ers

A personal thanks from me to all those who came out last night as it wasn't pleasant with the rain, but we made most of the situation! Kudos to all and if I don't see you next week, see you soon!

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"Connecting communities through stronger connections with natureโ€
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Sorting & Stocking @ Borough Food Cooperative
๐Ÿ—“Today 12:30pm

Tackles food insecurity and reuses surplus food to prevent food being thrown away!

One GoodGymer is going - 3 spaces left! ๐Ÿ‘€