Friday 10th May 2024
Report written by Sevan
Kash and Sevan ran to Hanwell Community Library, one of the locations for this year's Hanwell Hootie, to help set the scene. They didn't know how to turn a library into a concert venue. All they'd been told was that it involved hessian.
When they arrived, they found the crew and volunteers already hard at work. The stage was being set up and the bookshelves were being covered in lengths of hessian to stop beery hands from reaching for the latest Richard Osman.
There wasn't too much left to do. They helped cover 2 long stretches of shelves with hessian by using some giant clips, then covered a library computer with a "Live Life Oud" sign, pointing out that someone had dropped an L. Surely in a library, that must be some sort of crime.
The Hootie is run entirely by volunteers, is non profit and funded by the goodwill of sponsors like Marshall and donations from people like your good selves.
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