Monday 2nd April 2018
Report written by Paul Anderson
If nothing else then tonight proved that they breed them tough in Yorkshire! 10 intrepid GG Yorkies kept believing and braved the torrential rain to deliver leaflets on behalf of a free local advocacy service (OCAY) for people aged 50+. Even more impressive was that a new runner joined the group tonight! Just what made Paul decide that making his GG debut in a monsoon to be a good idea is still a mystery, but we think he'll fit in just fine!
Nick was especially proud of his 6 inch ruler that he had brought with him especially for the task. Apparently a ruler makes a good instrument to fully push the leaflet through the letterbox, and also preserve the delicateness of your hands. However, great amusement ensued when Ellie realised which particular ruler Nick had brought with him:
"Dad you haven't brought THAT ruler have you, it's the ............. one" (See pics to fill in the blank!)
Following a specially devised 'postman' themed warm-up the group left the warmth and comfort of Costa Coffee and ran 3k to the starting point for the task. From there the group split into two, the 'pink' team and 'orange' team. Leanne took charge of the Pink team and Nick the Orange.
After briefing her group Leanne watched in dismay as Christine and Ian disappeared down a different road to what she was expecting. Christine made a valiant attempt to defend herself later, but we still aren't convinced that blaming a fruit is a good enough excuse!
"How am I meant to know the way if all the streets are called Cranberry?"
Thankfully Nick's group made smoother progress (possibly thanks to THAT ruler?) and they soon completed their streets and also had a spare 5 mins to help the Pink team complete their allocation.
Both groups then joined forces and returned to base to complete a series of animal walks all designed to work on core fitness.
All in all it was a great night, but we are all looking forward to Egg reclaiming the reins next week. (Will Nicks ruler also reappear, turn up next Monday to find out!)
Tue 3rd Apr 2018 at 3:42pm
Thanks for the exercises cool down Paul, my hamstrings felt better after the stretch.