Monday 9th May 2022
Report written by Kim
Our international medal monday-er's weren't in attendance last night but Marta and Jenny battled 31degrees heat on Sunday to complete Lisbon half marathon! Go give them a huge cheer.
Francesca also started the week with double good deeding and spent the day helping Salvation Army in Catford brighten up the front. We'll hopefully be heading back to help finish the job. Great work!
We started the evening with a quick warm up that ended with star jumps to get us moving. It was a longer (and hilly) run this evening and on a warm evening it was pretty tough going but we made it there and back in one piece!
As always, the list of tasks to get stuck into at Seniors is always a varied one, we had: - Miguel turning the compost heap and then watering the veg - Sam Sam repotting the seedlings - Julian and Francesca cleaning the windows inside and then moving onto sanding a bench (ready for us hopefully painting on our next visit) - Oli x2, Adam and Steve tackling the overgrown beds and removing the stubborn grass and weeds
After group photos on 3 different phones, it was time for us to make our way back over the hill and down to Glass Mill. The temptation to stop at Mamma Dough for pizza was high but we'll save that for a couple of weeks time.
We're heading back to Seniors on 13th June.
Thu 12th May 2022 at 9:57pm
Sorry to miss it Kim - but didn't think my tired legs could handle all the way to Seniors and back 🤣