From spiky mess to shady grove at New Malden Guides

7 Goodgymers helped their local community in Kingston upon Thames
Tom Peacock
Rachel White
Jassy Drakulic
Petra Stockelmayerova
Claire Dunne
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Kingston upon Thames

Monday 6th June 2022

Rachel White
Rachel White


Jassy Drakulic
Jassy Drakulic


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Report written by Jassy Drakulic

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Seven good gym heroes came down to help New Malden Guides HQ where their lovely outdoor space has been overgrown with nettle and brambles and other antisocial plants.

Clare and Tom snapped up some secateurs, and with assistance from Petra and the trusty claw they cleared the right hand side undergrowth. As they rolled towards a complete mission they uncovered a host of assorted balls - from sports equipment to soft play toys with comedy sound effects!

Martel and Emily wielded shears without fear and cleared the back of the area until the back alley was accessible.

Rachel and Jassy made haste to get rid of the waste by inventing a nifty way to lift the epic piles of spiky cuttings off of the lawn using two long sticks as handles.

Task owners Emma and Tim were delighted with the progress made and have got further plans for step 2 of the transformation into a wildlife wonderland. Thanks to them for having us over and we look forward to coming back soon!

This task supported
New Malden Guides
Transforming the garden at Marion Hill House Guide HQ

The Guides HQ at Marion Hill House has a lovely garden space and they have enlisted our help at GoodGym to remove overgrown nettles and create interactive wildlife habitats and a wildflower are.

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Kingston upon Thames

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7 GoodGymers are going