Wednesday 20th November 2024
Report written by Sarah M
A brisk November evening saw 4 GoodGym-ers on a bracing run up the hill to Dee's Childcare in Woolwich, a lovely children's daycare centre with a huge outdoor space perfect for adventures.
Those adventures include small people learning how to cycle, hence things can get a bit congested...! So the plan is to create a traffic-controlling roundabout, which is where we come in. Our ongoing mission is to level the area for this to happen, separating the stones from the soil, both to be used in other areas. With the help of a pickaxe and some shovels we loaded up several wheelbarrels-worth of material, re-purposing plastic veg boxes as sieves to separate the soil for the vegetable patch and stones for the pathway. A busy evening warmed us up brilliantly, and we made great progress before running out of time - then it was all downhill from here (well, back to Woolwich town centre anyway!)
Thanks & have a great week all 🙂
Get fit and do good in Greenwich