Tuesday 24th September 2024
Report written by Rachel Melinek
It was the best of tasks, and it was the worst of tasks. We arrived at the location and were told about the exciting environs of Friary Park with its centre for the community, including the elderly Zimmer frame-wielding Bollywood dancers and other members of the community who needed support.
We then found out that we had only forks and spades: it is a truth universally acknowledged that a good gymer requested to trim trees must be in want of Secateurs.
We unrooted various nettles and weeds (and so it goes…).
Time is the longest distance between two places. Can you imagine the site as we finished cleared and beautiful ready for planting?
Friends of Friary Park ( formed in 1990) helping to keep standards in the park.
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Encourage an assist volunteers who keep a community Green Space.