Saturday 8th June 2019
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Nicola Gover
On a bright and sunny morning (sadly this did not last) many merry Yorkies arrived to help set up for York Pride.
Our first task was to assemble many big pretty rainbow flags, and the all important bar flags, and to put out litter bins.
We then set off into the site to help anyone who needed us with setting up stalls. This mainly involved erecting mostly instruction-less gazebos of a variety of designs and qualities. Ed was christened Mr Erector for his ability to help you with all your erection needs. And when almost defeated by a lost poppy-out-wire-thingy (I know all the lingo) Leanne came to the rescue with her newly discovered bent-tent-peg wire-thingy fishing skills.
A few keenies ducked out for a quick parkrun at this point, when all erection complete we got given a very exciting new task "only for strong people with good backs". This was to move four (unused) portaloos into new locations. First "the Chlamydia toilet" (thankfully not a horrible nickname, but the disabled toilet to be used for free testing later), which was rather heavy but did have nice comfy handles. Then another disabled loo and one for HQ. And finally the most exciting of all - the toilet for GG himself (Gareth Gates) - the backstage celeb loo! Leanne and I were so excited we even took a selfie inside it.
At this point, Ed returned saying "oh we thought you guys had gone already, we're off for breakfast". Not so fast! Still plenty of good to be done, and many hands make quicker to the cafe for all!
After assembling the "dressing room" (gazebo, eventually with no windows (sorry GG fans)), and putting binbags into the bins - and in Mitch's case picking up rubbish thrown next to the bin with a casual "sorry" - we headed out for a well earned breakfast before it well and truly rained on our parade.
A celebration of diversity. A parade from York Minster to the Knavesmire followed by a music event.
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