Saturday 15th February
Report written by Sharon
Today we headed to the south of the borough to Silver Town to meet for the first time the team from REinsTate.
After a brief introduction to some of the team and what the vision is for this wonderful old building we were given a demo of the best way to remove the nails from the old dance floor boards.
We discovered the boards are made from Canadian Maple and after some research it is believed they are nearly 100 years old.
Nails knocked in at an angle are difficult to remove but we impressed one of the building team that we actually knew how to use a hammer.
A quick break for some wonderful home made soup to warm us to tackle the next pile of boards.
More volunteers arrived and dry space under the gazebo was becoming tight we said our goodbyes.
As we left the impressed builder asked us to bring more friends next time if they work as hard as we did.
The project transforms wasted resources, such as derelict buildings, into valuable spaces for creatives and entrepreneurs, while also facilitating the redistribution of materials and furniture.
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