Sunday 2nd March
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Southwark runner
Seven of us really hit the "gym" in "goodgym" this morning, helping Pat on the farm.
We hauled around some sleepers to tidy up, we filled in a planter with compost and soil, and we transported a very large number of heavy paving slabs from behind the duck pond to next to the muck heap.
We definitely got our weightlifting and steps workout! We were rewarded with a meet and greet with some of the farm residents. First, Oreo and Penguin the calves, who took a particular shine to Gail's shoes! Then we visited the 3 week old lambs, and finished off feeding the pregnant goats.
Welcome to Kavita and Peining, for their first GoodGym session, and we hope to see you all again soon.
Surrey Docks Farm is run by a charity and provides education for school children, young people and adults with learning difficulties. Our work helps with essential maintenance and helps them keep the farm operating.
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